Gemini Daily Horoscope – January 24 2020

Make a wish

Today brings the New Moon which means it’s time for you to use your magical powers to remember your ability consciously create your life… If you want help with that, please tune into my free New Moon ceremony here.

Where is the New Moon triggering your chart?

Remember to read your Rising Sign if you know it for greater accuracy! (If you don’t know it but would like to find out, click here.)

The New Moon is in your 9th House, the part of your chart related to study, travel, adventure, and The Great Cosmic Quest. Re study, travel and adventure – just remember that you have a rush of new energy in both those parts of your life, so if you have plans in those areas, then you can the skies’ support. This part of your chart is about seeing The Big Picture of your life. Getting things in perspective. It’s about higher learning and self-improvement. This is the month to open your eyes to the big wide world rather than fretting about all the little details on the home front.

Are you ready to make your dreams come true?

Do you have your free New Moon kit so you can make the most of it? It’s available for instant download here.