Gemini Daily Horoscope – February 28 2020

If Mercury retrograde has dampened down your work mojo, then later today you’ll have the support of the Moon to focus your energy elsewhere. As the Moon slips into Taurus and your secluded 12th house, your best bet is to get off the grid. This might mean working from home if you can or tinkering on a longer-term or behind the scenes project. If none of those options excite you, then you’ve also got cosmic permission to simply rest. There is no point pushing back on the cosmos, because it will likely just push back on you.
Yasmin Boland is on holidays. Your stars today were written by Cassandra Tyndall

Calling anyone in or near London!

Will you be in or near London? I’m doing what will almost certainly be my only all-day London workshop on March 28, to take you all the way to the Moon and back – learn how to manifest your dreams with the Moon as your timer. Info here.