Gemini Daily Horoscope – 10 June 2022

On the one hand, your social life is buzzing with opportunities to network, extend your sphere of influence and generally tap into sources of luck. On the other, you’re kinda tired right now and need more time than usual to be alone. Today might be more about simply getting things done, so you’re free to enjoy yourself a little bit more at another time. If you can combine work and play today, then that will be even better! Time with children may be well – spent too!

What’s your Moon manifesting super-power?

Did you know we can make our dreams come true with Moon manifesting? I know because I’ve been doing it for 20+ years and the proof is now irrefutable. Sure, there are challenges but that’s part of the fun and part of the process. But we all have a different style. So take my free quiz here to find out your Moon manifesting style.