The Full Buck Moon in Capricorn Is Helping You See the Haters

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Your Horoscope for the Full Buck Moon in CapricornGetty/Khadija Horton

Full Moons are a time for releasing and relinquishing. If you have an excess in your life, this is the time for it to go down the drain. Through silent meditation, exchanging of thoughts, or spiritual practice, Full Moons are a point when we can let go. July’s Full Moon in Capricorn is an astrological hint to reminisce about how much you've grown. Following Western astrology, these new and complete Moon guides are monthly reminders to set and review your intentions. Your horoscope is a rudimentary prompt for self-reflection.

Oh wow, this feels like a beautiful déjà vu. When the universe rewinds the track, it’s imperative that we stop and think about it. On July 21, there is a rare second Full Moon in Capricorn in a year, following the first Full Moon in Capricorn that took place on June 21.

Let me put you onto some game so that you can make the most of this lunar anomaly. In the field of psychology, there is a term called mentalization, which means the ability to recognize your own thoughts and feelings, as well as the thoughts and feelings of others. I see it as a fancy term for empathy. Now, the life hack here is understanding that not everyone has the capacity to practice empathy. There are plenty of people who are neither able to recognize nor understand how they feel, nor can they begin to comprehend how another person is experiencing life. They simply go through life without deeper thoughts, self-awareness, or reflection. In fact, they might even tell you, “It’s not that deep.”

It’s tough navigating the world with a deep understanding of yourself and others when there are people who are literally unable to comprehend where you’re coming from. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to develop defenses against people like this. This doesn’t mean you should walk around guarded all the time. Quite the opposite. You must learn when and with whom to put your armor on. Only a few people deserve to see you splendidly sky-clad.

A Full Moon that takes place in July is sometimes called the Buck Moon, a name that refers to the fact that in the U.S., the antlers of male deer (bucks) are full grown this month. And on July 21st, 2024, at 6:16 AM Eastern Time, the Full Buck Moon will rise in Capricorn at 29 degrees, representing the end of a cycle. Buck Moons signify a time for regeneration and renewal. You can make the best of this Full Moon by remembering that you are in the driver’s seat of your life. Trust your judgment and manage your emotions. No, you shouldn’t have to be the "bigger person" when someone works to bring the worst out of you. However, you should be the best person for yourself, and sometimes that means walking away when your anger is provoked.

Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign horoscope for the Full Moon in Capricorn:


Consider taking a step away from your long-term goals, at least for the 48 hours before and after the Full Moon in Capricorn. That means leave them out of your mind. Write them down on a piece of paper, and return to it after this Buck Moon. Making comparisons to siblings, cousins, and neighboring adults is a sure way to bully yourself. Center yourself within your home. What could you do to make your space more relieving?


How is intellectualizing your experiences serving your purpose? Maybe you do know it all, Taurus. Whatever this experience is reaches beyond the scope of these horoscopes (yes, you have to be an active participant in relating to your horoscope). But I can advise you to take a step back and observe the conclusions those around you are coming up with. You may be validly frustrated, and your ability to work with people who frustrate you will serve your greater purpose.


You may consider yourself a leader of vulnerability, however, you may be making a victim out of yourself—and that’s unfair to you. Sometimes you have to know when to close your heart in order to have your standards met. Sure, your expectations come from your imagination and promises are imposed hopes. Your standards are the columns that uphold your queendom.


People pleading against your better judgment will become a source of disappointment. Whether you are people pleasing because of a lack of self-belief or you’re simply impatient, my suggestion is to slow down. You may be ignorant of significant details that will affect your lifestyle. Be careful and slow down. If you can’t think of any questions to ask, sit down and think carefully.


Dwelling in self-doubt is a surefire way to sabotage yourself. You’re capable and you know you will always make it through. We all enjoy a good vent, but be mindful of how you express your condition. You may be conditioning a subconscious belief that you are lacking the capability to thrive. Why are you giving yourself the opportunity to self-sabotage? Belief in yourself will go a long way; focus, babe.


The need to shrink in the face of your outer circle may come from a feeling of inferiority. Sure, insecurity can lead to a lack of self-esteem, because your outer world may invalidate your self-worth. How can you feel worthy when the world drains your fuel, instead of gassing you up? My dear, let that mess of life spill into your inner reservoir. Anger is so powerful when you let it charge you toward healthy resolutions.


Sure, you could sit still and angrily lament over the lies told to you. Some of you are even thinking all the way back to lies told you in childhood. If no one has apologized, know that your disappointments and frustrations are valid. You’re never alone. The world burns many of us, and you are proof that you can touch the fire and still keep moving. Your ability to thrive, even if the present feels mundane, is a force to be reckoned with. This is a great time to water your career; trees take time to become stunning.


Learning that you’ve been putting the wrong block into an empty space can feel like such an elementary mistake. Avoid beating yourself up. A few deep inhales through the nose, and a satisfying exhale through the mouth can be the first step before pivoting. Sweetheart, we are all learning. Even though you wish everything was perfect on the first go, that would be unreal. Getting stuck with momentary frustrations can distract you from the great progress you’re making. Learn, regroup, and transform in the right space for you.


Sometimes escaping your ego is exactly what’s necessary to become the person you claim you want to be. Fairy tales are for your imagination, and if you imagine the storybook is headed in a direction you need, then move forward. In a world of minimal promises and self-determination, you have to learn when to let people be while you’re acting on your potential.


You may feel as though you’re the end all, be all of someone’s life, but try to step outside of yourself and understand the needs of those closest to you. Deep focus on yourself may come at the expense of your supportive connections. Learn when to share parts of yourself, and when to nurture your tender and sensitive loved ones. You may not have fathomed how powerful your presence is during this Full Moon in Capricorn. Be sure to show up when your influence is needed.


Your self-doubt is a downer; you have to know when to put the anxie-tea down. Check in with yourself and the double standards you’re abiding by. We all have the capacity to fall, tumble, and land on our soft sides. Consider your unintentional gymnastics as practice and become a professional stunt woman—metaphorically speaking! As long as you keep up with your daily tasks, you will develop the appropriate lifestyle for yourself.


Sporadically distracting yourself with other people’s problems, habits, and familial problems is not fair to you. You can be present for people and also recognize when some issues are too beyond you to weigh in. Sometimes, the best you can offer is a listening ear and a willingness to care for others. You have to recognize the value in being yourself. Showing up is sometimes all your community needs from you.

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