A foolproof guide on what to keep, throw or flip

It’s the time of the year that we’re spending more time snuggled indoors, so why not put these moments to good use and kick off your spring clean early?

We teamed up with the experts at Cash Converters to put together a sure-fire guide on how to declutter your home this winter like a pro, and make some extra funds in the process.

What to keep

Begin your winter cleaning journey by taking a wander through your home; fossick through drawers, blow away the dust in cupboards and take a walk through the garage.

There will be the obvious items you use daily you’ll want to keep, but will you really use that surfboard next summer or pick up the electronic guitar again? If the answer is maybe, take note of these items, snap a photo of your list, and revisit them in six months.

When decluttering, it is easy to go overboard and want to get rid of as much as you can, but if you know you’ll use it, or it has genuine sentimental value, it is okay to hang onto it for that bit longer.

It’s time to go

Working out what is truly sentimental and what is something we’ve just happened to hold onto for 10 years runs a fine line.

Ask yourself – have you used it in the last six months, does it add meaning to your life, will you be lost without it? If the answer is no, then it is time to go.

When deciding whether to throw or sell, take a good look at its appearance – has it seen better days, or is it in top condition? Plug it in or change its batteries to see if it works, and think about whether it is of use or value to someone else.

If it is in great condition, put it in your flip pile aka your collection of items that you’re able to ‘flip’ for cash, or they can hold your item of value and you can flip it back and take your goods home when you pay off the loan. If your items are tatty and worn, then it is time for the bin.

If you’re decluttering your whole home, ensure you organise a skip bin to save additional clutter on rubbish day.

It is okay to flip out

An online purchase that wasn’t quite right, a gift you’ve never used, an appliance you’ve replaced – the quality items in our home that can be sold is endless.

Once you have your sell pile in front of you, make sure everything has been cleaned and that electronics have their chargers and remotes. If you have the original packaging, like the original box for your ring, even better.

Also, if you have similar items that you can group together like cameras or computer gear, books, DVDs, sporting goods or video games, keep them together to sell for a higher amount.

Overall, be realistic; we’re all guilty of driving around with boxes of things to trade in on our back seat for weeks, so make a solid plan of where and when you’ll sell your items.

If you find something of value while decluttering your home, Flip it at Cash Converters. Borrow against or sell any items of value you have, such as jewellery, gold, watches, iPhones, laptops, guitars and gaming gear.