Lindt Chocolate Easter Nest

Lindt Chocolate Easter Nest

  • serves 8

  • Preparation time: 20

  • Cooking time:


350g Lindt Excellence 70% Cocoa
150g Fried Noodles (1 ½ packets)
70g Toasted almond slivers
60g Dried mango, cut into strips
50g Chopped pistachios
60g Dried cranberries


1. Break up the chocolate and place in a clean, dry bowl.
2. Gently melt chocolate in a waterbath ensuring the bowl does not touch the water.
3. Stir frequently as we just want to melt the chocolate and not heat it past 32 ºC. You can either check this with a thermometer or simply ensure the chocolate feels cold to touch yet is molten completely. This process is called tempering chocolate*.
4. In a large bowl combine the noodles with the toasted almonds, pistachios, mangoes and cranberries, mix thoroughly.
5. Stir in the tempered chocolate and gently mix until all the chocolate is incorporated and all ingredients are coated with a luxurious layer of Lindt chocolate.
6. Line a large baking tray with baking paper and with a spoon shape the little nests allowing a nice big gap in the centre.
7. Place the tray in the fridge for approximately 15 minutes to cool the nests completely.
8. Once set, gently place on a serving plate and fill with a little Persian fairy floss to emulate straw and of course some of your favourite Lindt Easter treats.


  • Tempering is important as otherwise the chocolate might develop unsightly grey streaks on the surface, called bloom.