The #fitspo couples of Instagram

We all see them in our news feed!

Insta models showing off their cheekbones like...
Insta models showing off their cheekbones like...

That perfectly built couple going on their free holidays to Bali, promoting protein balls (ahem sponsored post!) and working the red carpet in their borrowed designer threads.

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These are insta-famous couples that we love to Insta-stalk.

Our fave Insta #fitspo couple would have to be Tim and Anna! Photo: Instagram
Our fave Insta #fitspo couple would have to be Tim and Anna! Photo: Instagram

Their carefully constructed snaps include the 'pensively-looking-out-at-the-views-while-cuddling' piccie and the 'quick-no-one's-looking-let's-kiss' pic.

Laura Dundovic and Quade Cooper have the 'looking away' couple pose down pat! Photo: Instagram
Laura Dundovic and Quade Cooper have the 'looking away' couple pose down pat! Photo: Instagram
And again. Photo: Laura Dundovic Instagram
And again. Photo: Laura Dundovic Instagram

We can't get enough but what happens when the cameras stop rolling?

Steph Claire Smith and Josh Milelr are another Insta couple you must follow. Photo: Yahoo7 Be
Steph Claire Smith and Josh Milelr are another Insta couple you must follow. Photo: Yahoo7 Be

Social star Alan Tsibulya's at it again, bringing the LOLs and poking fun at the Insta-babe couples on your Instagram.


"You don't actually think I eat the protein balls I have in my photos?," his character Jess giggles in his latest viral vid.

Jess totally bought an Audi with all the cash from her sponsored posts #sorrynotsorry. Photo: Yahoo7 Be
Jess totally bought an Audi with all the cash from her sponsored posts #sorrynotsorry. Photo: Yahoo7 Be

"But I did buy a really nice Audi TT Convertible with the money I made from them, so."

Alan also mocks the 'social influencer' lads who make a living from their strong jaws lines and setting alarm clocks for their protein shakes.

Meet Dylan - Insta-husband to #fitspo model Jess. Photo: Yahoo7 Be
Meet Dylan - Insta-husband to #fitspo model Jess. Photo: Yahoo7 Be

"I call this pose the bread slicer so you when run out of knives you can just, ya know."

Dylan calls this pose 'the bread slicer.' Photo: Yahoo7 Be
Dylan calls this pose 'the bread slicer.' Photo: Yahoo7 Be

You're hilair, Alan!

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