"It Feels Sophisticated And European": Frugal People Are Sharing The Little Everyday Habits That Make Them Feel Rich Without Breaking The Bank
Recently, on Reddit, frugal people shared their favorite habits that only feel expensive, and it's a great reminder that luxury is a state of mind. Here are some of the top comments:
1."I just did my little ritual of cleaning my summer shoes to put away, then brought out my winter boots. If you put them away fresh with cedar in them, it's so nice when you see them again."
"Generally maintaining and caring for your possessions makes you value them more, then you feel like you have more."
2."Drinking my morning tea on the patio."
"This is a great one. I like to make a nice hot cup of tea in the a.m. and just look outside (or go outside if it isn't too cold) and watch the wildlife or just enjoy the scenery. This morning was very beautiful with a light fog in the trees and hills and the creek running from the rain yesterday."
3."Using good ingredients. I am frugal, but I prioritize good ingredients. I always have heavy whipping cream on hand. Real butter. Good quality meat in the freezer. I buy good spices/herbs. I try to buy quality products and ingredients. I am not a 'luxury' person per se. I like just living a simple life. But little things like that are nice."
4."I walk to the grocery store daily to buy one or two fresh ingredients for a lovely home-cooked dinner. It’s part social, part fitness, part nutrition. It feels sophisticated and European."
"I hope you have a baguette and some greens peeking out the top of your bag!"
5."Freshly grinding coffee beans than making it in a french press."
6."Estate sale shopping in the rich parts of town. It’s a great pastime, even if I don’t buy anything."
"I love bargains but also poking through people’s stuff. Estate sales are a great Saturday activity."
7."Opening a window to listen to the rain pouring, especially if I’m in bed."
"Oh man, there is no better sleep to be had than with a window open and rain falling! A true luxury!"
8."Dimmed lights in my home, using Edison-style LED bulbs — the energy amount they use is low as it is, but with the dimmer, it is even lower, and it gives the house a very elegant vibe in the evening!"
"I second this! As a photographer, lighting is very important to me. I'd also like to add that bulbs that lean more to the warm side rather than the cool side of Kelvin are much more luxurious than anything labeled 'daylight.' Cool blue light bulbs scream hospital room, school, doctor's office, big box warehouse."
9."I recently used grocery store pickup for the first time. It felt luxurious being called 'sir' while someone loaded my groceries in my car for me! And I spent less money because I wasn’t tempted by snacks, 'deals,' etc."
"I started using grocery pickup earlier this year and am tickled every time I pick up. I've also saved so much money by not going in the store. I honestly can't believe they still offer the service since they must be losing those impulse buys?"
10."When I get up, I immediately make my bed. I do it nicely and properly and smooth everything so it looks very welcoming. Of course, the cat walks across the covers to lie on the pillows later on, but the little foot dimples she leaves are very cute. When I go to sleep at night, I walk into the room and see a nicely made-up bed with kitty footprints dimpling the covers, and it just feels homey and comforting."
"This is so lovely. I have three cats (and a large dog), and walking through my home and seeing them curled up and at peace definitely makes me feel at peace as well. There's something calming about knowing you have made another being feel so safe and cozy."
11."Honestly, having — and adhering to — a budget has made us feel like we make a ton more money than we did before using the budget. Because we've been more intentional, we've saved more and have been able to accomplish some wish-farming, and in general, things feel more luxe than they did when we were winging it."
"I saw a great quote about how you have to be comfortable with the opposite feeling of what you want. You think making a budget makes you feel poor, but it’s the only way to feel rich. I am starting to think of money like a toddler, either you set the tone and make the decisions or you spend your days reacting to your toddler."
12."Investing in high-quality stuff that will last. Little by little, the quality of the things I own has increased dramatically, and I'm not in a high-income situation whatsoever."
"Buy once, cry once. It hurts to buy what you know is great quality and will last, but it hurts more to replace the lesser quality version over and over again."
13."Using herbs from my perennial herb garden. Rosemary, chives, thyme, etc. They're hardy and seem to withstand all sorts of conditions. I planted them a couple of years ago, and now I barely have to do anything to maintain them (mostly just keep the weeds away from them), and they keep on producing most of the year, giving me amazing fragrant fresh herbs to use in all sorts of things in the kitchen."
"There is something about looking out at your thriving herb garden and seeing unlimited amounts of herbs for cooking that makes you feel so alive and well."
14."Having a clean kitchen with a nice smelling candle lit on the stove is an underrated feeling."
"Ikea has dirt cheap scented candles; they sell them online, and they tend to last a long time."
15."Using my library to feed my book appetite. Whether I borrow them through the digital app or put a hold on a big name book, I rarely ever spend money on books."
"THIS!!! I have my old Seattle Public Library and my New York Public Library cards. Haven't purchased a book in years now. And when something I've put on hold comes up, it's like getting a Christmas present!"
16."I decorated my home like a vacation resort, so every time I walk in from work, I'm returning to my vacation bungalow. Who needs to go out? I've surrounded myself with all the amazing things I would want at a resort."
"This! I call my home the Doll House. I’ve created lovely spaces in my home just for me. I can pack an overnight bag just to go sleep in the guest room and use the guest bathroom that has a tub and feel like I’ve gone on a mini vacation."
17."Giving the car a small makeover rather than buying another. It’s amazing what a good clean and some car seat covers and new mats will do for your car’s interior. Give the outside a nice wash and polish; make it look sexy."
"I recently decided to clean my car, and it worked wonders for my dopamine hit in lieu of buying into needing the newest car"
18."Get an electric blanket and put it under you on your bed this winter season. Saves a shitload on heating the whole house. Just make sure to read the blanket safety instructions."
"I took someone’s advice on here and bought a heated mattress topper. So damn nice."
19."We buy LARGE cuts of meat from a restaurant supply place near us and butcher, package, and freeze them ourselves. It's an up-front investment, but it means we can have prime rib dinners for three people for less than the cost of a fast-food meal."
"I like buying the giant cuts from the Costco business center. I'm getting decent at cutting the lesser-known cuts out of the chuck roll and shoulder, and it's fun serving something other than pot roast."
20."On-demand water heater! It actually saves money vs. a standard tank water heater and now I have UNLIMITED hot water. This is truly the greatest luxury of my life."
"I got one installed at the beginning of last year. Had to do an electrical upgrade, too, but 100% worth it!"
What's something simple that feels luxurious to you? Tell us all about it in the comments!