Your Fated Libra Solar Eclipse Tarot Horoscope

The next major hit of Fall's eclipse season is delivered on October 2, 2024. The Libra solar eclipse pushes us to make relationship decisions with our destiny in mind. We can no longer decline the call of our Higher Self. It's time to jump timelines, seeking more fulfilling, transparent, and authentic ways to form connections.

Read on for your tarot horoscope for this cosmic event, brought to you by a professional Tarot reader. Your zodiac sign is the key to your forecast.

Aries: Seven of Cups

This Libra solar eclipse will illuminate where you're scattered, Aries. You can't have your cake and eat it too. To evolve in your relationships, you must set firm boundaries and practice clear intentions. If you've been caught in an illusion, this celestial moment will wake you to reality.

Taurus: The Hermit

The Hermit showcases the spiritual significance of the Libra solar eclipse for you, Taurus. You may feel isolated or lonely. The universe asks you to take the time to pause and introspect. Your intuition is trying to reach you. You can resolve your dilemmas by tuning out external distractions and get back to who and what matters most.

Gemini: Ten of Wands

There's growth on the horizon, Gemini. However, this Libra solar eclipse will ask you to maintain focused. Your dedication will get you where you need to go. Giving it a final push, you'll reach the finish line soon. However, don't be tempted to give up right before things improve.

Related: How to Manifest Money, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Cancer: Knight of Swords

This Libra solar eclipse reminds you to be mindful, Cancer. The power of word is no joke. With one slip of the tongue, you can improve or destroy your connections. Therefore, being mature and responsible about how you carry yourself is essential. To gain the trust of others, you must be transparent and open, with respect for differing outlooks.

Leo: Strength

This Libra solar eclipse empowers you, Leo. Your zodiac sign rules the Tarot card Strength. Therefore, you're likely to feel in alignment. Wearing your heart on your sleeve and displaying emotional intelligence allows you to evolve personally. The relationships that don't ask you to shrink to fit in are meant for you.

Virgo: Seven of Swords

Tensions grow when we avoid them. Minor problems fester and become more significant issues. This Libra solar eclipse pushes you to confront the truth. Beating around the bush, telling white lies, or outright deceiving yourself or others will no longer work.

Related: 3 Zodiac Signs Having a Lucky Fall

Libra: Eight of Cups

Sometimes, we stick around because of the time invested into something or someone. However, this isn't an accurate way to base our happiness. It may be time to walk away from a circumstance, even empty-handed. The blessing in disguise is stepping out before you lose sight of yourself.

Scorpio: Four of Pentacles

Clinging to the familiar is a band-aid solution to anxiety. Your true empowerment is relinquishing control. The universe has more significant plans for you this Libra solar eclipse. It would be best to surrender your tight grip to remain in divine timing. What you need differs from what you thought would fulfill you.

Sagittarius: Wheel of Fortune, Reversed

This Libra solar eclipse asks you to observe Sagittarius mindfully. There's a cycle repeating itself. You can respond the same way, get the same results, or shake things up. Your potential is found in your ability to break free from defeating patterns.

Related: The Most Powerful Zodiac Signs

Capricorn: Knight of Pentacles

Patience pays off this Libra solar eclipse season. If you want to reach your goals, you must remain consistent. You may feel capable and empowered enough to do it all. However, it's vital to stay humble. The universe wants you to remember you have what it takes to succeed, but you can't rush the process or take shortcuts.

Aquarius: Five of Wands, Reversed

This Libra solar eclipse will push you to turn inwards. You may feel irritated by those around you or by circumstances. However, it stems from an internal battle within yourself. It would be best if you reclaimed your agency. Find a compromise with the conflicting voices inside your mind.

Pisces: Ace of Cups

New beginnings arrive with this Libra solar eclipse. A new love, meaningful connection, or relationship milestone fuels your soul. You cannot hide your soppy, heartfelt emotions. This eclipse season acts as a portal, pushing you towards your fulfillment.

Related: Tarotstrology: Which Tarot Card Aligns With Your Zodiac Sign?