Fall Equinox + Libra Season: Horoscopes + Meaning

The Fall Equinox occurs annually, astrologically aligning with the Sun entering Libra. Here, we reach the midpoint of the astrological year. While the Gregorian calendar we abide by in the modern world marks the new year on January 1, in astrological terms, it truly begins with the Spring Equinox, aka Aries season.

Therefore, six months ago, we began another revolution around the Sun, and we'll be back at the starting line in another six months. What have we learned? What do we still intend to accomplish?

Read on for your zodiac signs for your Autumn Equinox or Libra season, horoscopes, and other important information.

When is the Autumn Equinox and Libra Season in 2024?

The Fall Equinox (and Libra season) is on Sunday, September 22, 2024.

The Unique Astrology of Libra Season and Fall Equinox 2024

This year's Autumn or Fall Equinox occurs amid emotionally charged eclipse season. We'll notice many fated developments during this Libra season or Fall Equinox. Making serious decisions is essential. While this time of year is always introspective and reflective, the need to be sure about being aligned with our purpose and emotional needs is all the more magnified.


Related: Eclipse Season Tarot Reading for Your Zodiac Sign

Your Autumn Equinox and Libra Season Horoscope, Based on Zodiac

Read for your zodiac sign. If you're an advanced astrology fan, check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.

Aries: Relationship Reflections

Autumn Equinox and Libra season remind Aries to tend to their relationships. In the coming months, introspection is critical. Where do you wish to go in love, dating, and partnership? What steps must you take to elevate your romantic and social life? Pay attention to omens from the universe for who to collaborate with.

Taurus: Wellness Check-In

Autumn Equinox and Libra season asks Taurus to pay attention to their overall well-being. Are you focused with intentional goals? Or are you distracting yourself with busy work that deviates from your desired outcome? The coming months ask you to make internal shifts that align with your mind, body, and spirit.

Gemini: Devoted Thoughts

Gemini, you must follow your heart. Libra season and the Autumn Equinox raises the bar in your romantic life. Do you feel like you're attracted to connections that uplift you? Or are you distracted by lust that leads nowhere? In existing relationships, are you leaning into your sense of wonder? To get where you want to be, you must set strong intentions.


Related: Path to Career Success: Your Midheaven

Cancer: Intuitive Intentions

The coming months ask you to focus on your home, heart, and hearth. The Fall Equinox and Libra season intimately affect your personal life. Are you fulfilled emotionally behind closed doors? Or are you portraying a public image that deviates from your authentic truth? Let the universe guide you towards meaningful, intuitive realizations.

Leo: Mental Breakthroughs

There's a shift in the air as the Autumn Equinox and Libra season arrives. Leo, your intellectual sector is amplified. In the coming months, you're looking for answers. What do you need to explore still or experience to be confident in your decision making? Clarity will come when you take proactive action.

Virgo: Money Magic

The Autumn Equinox and Libra season remind you to put your money where your mouth is. Your resource sector is amplified. Looking within for answers is critical. Are your needs being met, both practically and emotionally? What's within your control to shift the dynamics? Go for what you deserve.


Related: 7 Signs You're Spiritually Gifted, According to Astrology

Libra: Self-Love

The Autumn Equinox and Libra season naturally impact you most, Libra. You're ready to take your life path seriously. You must follow your calling. Are you putting yourself at the center of your decision-making? Do your connections remind you or distract you from who you are? Let the universe guide you to self-acceptance.

Scorpio: Spiritual Soothing

Libra season and the Fall Equinox bring a sensitivity to Scorpio. This Water sign feels all the feels. Their emotional needs are heightened. What have you been suppressing? What do you know is true but are afraid to confront? The coming months ask you to remove the blindfold and address matters directly.

Sagittarius: Inspiration Strikes

The Autumn Equinox and Libra season is determined to shift your future ideals. Introspection is valuable. Are you looking towards horizons that still inspire you? Does your support system know how to help you pursue your goals? Teamwork will help you overcome barriers and find true meaning.


Related: 6 Affirmations to Attract Love, Based on Zodiac Sign

Capricorn: Career Calls

The Autumn Equinox and Libra season set off sparks in your career life. It's time to become intentional and methodical about your approach. Are you feeling connected to your sense of purpose? What's within your control to ensure you're feeling productive in a manner that uplifts your overall well-being?

Aquarius: Inquisitive Insights

Questions will be explored during the Autumn Equinox and Libra season, Aquarius. Your inner philosopher is curious to expand their mindset. The world around you is rich with resources and information. Are you ready to let go of limiting beliefs? Can you tempt the idea that you don't have to have all the answers and can learn from others?

Related: 4 Zodiac Signs That Manifest Success Effortlessly

Pisces: Intimate Insights

The Fall Equinox and Libra season encourages Pisces to dive deep into intimacy. It's time to get out of autopilot. What does love look like in action? What shows you someone is committed beyond a feeling? There's hope for the future when you get realistic about your expectations. Open communication with loved ones will free you from silent emotional struggle.

Related: 3 Zodiac Signs Having a Lucky Fall