These 23 Ridiculously Cute Cat Breeds Will Make You Go "Awww!"

cute cat breeds
23 of the World's Cutest Cat BreedsSiarhei SHUNTSIKAU - Getty Images

Whether you go for the smooshed-in face of a Persian or the long, lean looks of the Bombay cat, every cat breed has its charms. With so many cute cat breeds, it can be hard to narrow down your favorite or figure out which breed is right for your family.

But before choosing a cat, think about your lifestyle. Cats require just as much of a commitment as dogs. While cats are known for being independent, that doesn’t mean they want to be alone all the time. They need and crave your attention and do best when they have a way to stay mentally and physically stimulated. Your cat will need all kinds of indoor enrichment activities to keep busy, too, including cat toys, cat trees, and window perches.

When it comes to personalities, remember that every cat is an individual. Although each cat breed is said to have certain similar personality traits, that’s a generalization. Just like people, every cat has its own unique character, behaviors, and needs.

If you do fall in love with a cute cat breed, reach out to local cat-fancy clubs or breeders to discuss whether they might be good for your family and lifestyle. Responsible breeders want to make the best possible match, so they can be a good source of information if you’re considering a specific breed. And don’t forget there are plenty of places to adopt a cat in need, too! Shelters have many beautiful cats—both pure breed and mixed breed — just waiting to come home with you!


Read on to learn about cute cat breeds you can make a member of the family:

Maine Coon

Maine coon cats are large, often weighing up to 20 pounds. But they are gentle and friendly with beautiful markings. The tiny tufts of fur on each ear make them especially irresistible.

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Alexandra Jursova - Getty Images


Ragdoll cats are easy-going, friendly and affectionate. They're large cats that can weigh up to 20 pounds, but they mostly just want to lounge around in your lap, as limp as a ragdoll.

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Alex Walker - Getty Images


With beautiful blue eyes and a gorgeous coat, this breed is very talkative and will meow to tell you just what it needs. The Birman is known to be a sweet and loving breed.

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Nico De Pasquale Photography - Getty Images

Scottish Fold

With a sweet expression and folded ears, this cuddly rare breed looks like a stuffed animal! Scottish fold cats are playful, curious, and friendly, with a bit of an independent streak.

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Nico De Pasquale Photography - Getty Images

Selkirk Rex

With a sweet and gentle nature, the Selkirk Rex has a soft, touchable curly coat. The breed is smart and gets along well with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.


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Sue Thatcher - Getty Images


One of the most popular breeds, Persian cats are sweet, patient cats. Their coats may be short or long and come in a variety of colors, including silver, grey, white, black, cream, tabby, calico, and bi-color.

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Kryssia Campos - Getty Images


The Bengal is a medium-sized cat that strongly resembles a big wild cat. Despite its somewhat fierce appearance, the breed is actually very sweet and loving.

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Svetlana Sultanaeva - Getty Images

Russian Blue

With its intense gaze and sleek body, the Russian Blue is friendly with its favorite people but a little standoffish with strangers.

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Liudmila Anufrieva - Getty Images


This striking-looking breed is outgoing and friendly. The Bombay cat's muscular body and sleek coat make it seem like a tiny wild panther!

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The Siamese is a friendly, outgoing cat. It is also extremely curious and vocal. The breed will tell you when it wants your attention and won't stop until you oblige.

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Vital Hil - Getty Images

Norwegian Forest Cat

Originating in Europe, this stunning long-haired cat has a beautiful coat that benefits from weekly brushing. The breed isn't super-cuddly, but these cats are calm and affectionate.

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American Shorthair

With a round face and short hairs, this breed accompanied European sailors to the New World as early as the 1600s! American Shorthairs are smart, athletic, and fairly quiet. They'll chirp instead of meow and love following their people around the house.

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Pakin Songmor - Getty Images

La Perm

This adorable breed looks as if it just left the salon with a permanent wave! The breed, developed in the 1980s, has tightly curled fur around its head and neck. They're friendly and affectionate.

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Native to the forests of Siberia, this gorgeous cat has three layers of coats for warmth. Although it's sometimes mistaken for a Maine Coon, it's not as large. This breed is athletic, intelligent, and adventurous and loves climbing and jumping.

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marieclaudelemay - Getty Images

Turkish Angora

Often white, the Turkish Angora is found in many other colors, too. Its luxurious coat and curious personality make it an appealing pet.

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Amir Mukhtar - Getty Images

Egyptian Mau

This rare breed is very devoted to its people and will greet you with happy meows to show its pleasure. The Egyptian Mau is a smart, active breed that also loves to cuddle.


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Donyanedomam - Getty Images


Quiet and friendly, the Singapura has beautiful eyes and a gentle personality. Weighing in at only 6 to 8 pounds, it's also the smallest cat breed.

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Viktor - Getty Images


With tall, pointy ears and sleek, muscular bodies, Abyssinians have a distinctive athletic look. They're curious and love their humans, often following them around the house like a dog would.

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Nynke van Holten - Getty Images

Devon Rex

One of the less common cat breeds, the Devon Rex has gigantic ears and a wedge-shaped head, giving it a whimsical appearance. The breed is playful, smart, and super-sweet.

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CasarsaGuru - Getty Images


A cross between a Persian and a Siamese, this pretty breed has bright blue eyes and a lush coat. They're sweet, affectionate, and playful, and they love attention from their humans.

cute cat breeds himalayan
Kryssia Campos - Getty Images

American Curl

American Curl was discovered and bred in the 1980s as a natural genetic mutation. With its unique curled-back ears, this breed is sweet, loving, and gentle.

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White_bcgrd - Getty Images


Originally occurring as a natural mutation of the Siamese, this breed has much longer fur. The Balinese is known to be an extremely cuddly breed that's happiest on your lap.


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aleishaknight - Getty Images


While not everyone's cup of tea, the Sphinx has no fur, but it is big on personality. This super-intelligent breed adores attention and does best when you provide it with plenty of mental stimulation with toys, cat trees, and other things to keep it out of mischief.

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Senko Nelly - Getty Images

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