Emma Watson heads to Uruguay on a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador trip

Emma Watson is already making her mark as UN Women’s Goodwill ambassador. Following her appointment in July, the British actress flew to Uruguay this week to speak at the HeForShe conference in Montevideo.

Joining Uruguay’s Vice President Danilo Astori and UN Women programme director Gulden Turkoz-Cosslett, Watson advocated for the HeForShe project, which aims to motivate men to redress gender imbalance around the world.

Watson was inspired by the passion of Uruguay’s young women. “At the back of the room there were five young woman, probably under the age of 17, who were holding a banner that said, “Say yes to more women in politics,” she said, according to The Daily Mail.

“To see this kind of participation is why I’m here. It’s why I’ve come to Uruguay and why I want to work with UN women… Thankfully, I have this platform and I’m able to shine a light on these issues, which are really important to me and this is what I want to continue to do and what I believe in passionately.”

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