Eclipse Season Horoscopes: Fate is Calling

On September 17, a Pisces lunar eclipse marks a pivotal shift in our fated journeys. A lunar eclipse is like the release of a full moon turned up by 1000% in intensity. We're asked to let go, undo, and make room for our emotional and spiritual development.

With the lunar eclipse occurring in Pisces, we're asked to remove rose-colored glasses and confront reality head-on. If we've been in tune with our intuition and empowerment, this can be a moment of relief. However, if we've been digging our heads in the sand to cope, we may experience more challenging revelations.

The journey of eclipse season continues as a Libra solar eclipse hits on October 2. This moment will be similar to the beginning energy of a new moon; however, destiny is heavily amplifying it. A pivotal, intentional shift occurs in our relationships, social life, and interpersonal dealings, out with the old ways of relating, and in with the new.

Eclipse Season of Fall 2024: Dates

These are the two key dates of this Autumn's eclipse season.


However, remember that eclipse season also includes the two weeks between eclipses and the two weeks following until the next lunation (in this case, an Aries full moon on October 17).

  • September 17, 2024: Pisces Lunar Eclipse

  • October 2, 2024: Libra Solar Eclipse

What Does Eclipse Season Mean in Astrology?

Eclipse season is a time of potent, swift, and often unexpected changes. It brings profound changes and developments into our lives. Why? It is connected with the Moon's South and North Nodes, which are correlated to fate and destiny.

During eclipse season, we're challenged to escape stagnant comfort zones. Rather than settling for temporary band-aid solutions, the universe calls us to leap into proactive action to restore our life path. The impacts of eclipse season create prolonged changes in our lives that follow us for up to six months afterward until the next eclipse season hits.

Eclipse Season Horoscopes, Based on Zodiac Sign

Read for your zodiac sign. If you know your "big three" or Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, read them for a complete analysis.


Aries, you're saying goodbye to outdated, self-sabotaging patterns on the Pisces lunar eclipse. Fate will no longer watch you hinder your growth and will pull you along, even if you're kicking and screaming. Therefore, surrender. The Libra solar eclipse invites you to trust the magical new beginnings the universe has in store for your social life. Connections are karmically aligned, pushing you to develop as a person.


This Pisces lunar eclipse pushes you to let go of outdated ideas about the future. Your goals once inspired you, but now, it's time to confront how your reality has shifted. In turn, it's time to dream up a different vision for your life. The Libra solar eclipse asks you to embrace new lifestyle and routine switches. It's all about balancing your mind, body, and spirit. Boundaries will help preserve your well-being.


Gemini, you're ready to shed outdated beliefs about success in this Pisces lunar eclipse. Gone are the days of pretending burnout is normal. You're ready to seek professional opportunities that allow you to blossom in purpose. In turn, you notice doors are opening in your romantic life due to the Libra solar eclipse. A proactive desire to attract and relate to others differently promotes healthier, happier connections.


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Thanks to the Pisces lunar eclipse, Cancer's time to say goodbye to limiting, outdated beliefs. Whether you've inherited limiting ideas of life due to religion, spirituality, your upbringing, or other social pressures, it's time to allow yourself to outgrow negativity. Be true to your opinions, not the hive mindset. With the Libra solar eclipse energy, you'll notice new karmic beginnings within your personal life. More profound opportunities to connect with close loved ones allow you to elevate your sense of inner belonging and peace.


To let love in, you'll need to remove the barriers that prevent you from letting your guard down this Pisces lunar eclipse. You're ready to let destiny bring you deeper, vulnerable, trustworthy levels of relating to others. However, you'll need to accept this is possible for you and let go of what no longer serves. Thanks to the Libra solar eclipse, you'll notice growth in your communication. Your mind is focused on improving and problem-solving in a life-changing light.


Related: Luckiest Zodiac Signs This September


It's time to shed outdated ideas about relationships with the Pisces lunar eclipse. Your interpersonal dynamics are meant to be shifting at this time to promote genuine, healing connections. With the Libra solar eclipse, you'll observe opportunities to boost your self-worth arise. Making new streams of income or doing what you've always wanted to do makes you feel good in your skin.


With the Pisces lunar eclipse, prioritizing your well-being is karmically in time. Your mind, body, and spirit need attention. Being of service is not the same as sacrificing your emotional, spiritual, or physical needs for health. With the solar eclipse in your sign, opportunities to solidify your authentic identity unfold. The universe is backing you up in choosing yourself for once.


It's time to let go of outdated romantic ideals this Pisces lunar eclipse. Your ideas of love, what it means, and who you attract are shifting. If you feel unloved or uncared for, it's time to address core compatibility, readiness, and values issues. Regarding the Libra solar eclipse, Scorpios will experience new beginnings in spiritual development. Their connection to their intuition and the other etheric side of life strengthens. Take note of your dreams.


The Pisces lunar eclipse asks you to release emotional matters in your personal life. Karmically, doors are shutting to protect you from repeating generational patterns that cause more harm than good. As you shift your psychological state, opportunities pour into your social life and motivations. This is thanks to the Libra solar eclipse. Fate urges you to connect with like-minded people, creating and creating aims that change your future forever.


Related: 11 Affirmations Your Zodiac Sign Needs


With the Pisces lunar eclipse hitting your communication sector, you must release pent-up thoughts. Speaking your mind feels essential. Outdated assumptions and opinions arise to sift and sort through and thoroughly transform. With the Libra solar eclipse hitting your career sector, you're ready to level up in public life. Destiny is opening practical doors for you that once felt slammed shut.


You're ready to rethink your relationship with resources and self-worth during this Pisces lunar eclipse. You're done dimming your shine. Asking for what you need to emotionally and practically thrive becomes vital. As the Libra solar eclipse illuminates your philosophical sector, you're ready to leave your comfort zone. Destiny is guiding you to profound life experiences.

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With the lunar eclipse occurring in your sign, you're closing doors. Life chapters have served their purpose. Every ending comes with a new beginning, though. With the Libra solar eclipse illuminating your intimacy sector, relationships deepen. Trust grows stronger as you embrace transformative experiences, hand in hand with special loved ones.

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