Eat Yourself Happy

Forget chocolate-fuelled endorphin rushes and bread-propelled serotonin spikes. When it comes to using food to tweak your brain chemistry for lasting happiness, fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and healthy oils can be some of the most powerful and effective mood boosters. In fact, according to a new study conducted by France’s National Instituted of health and Medical Research, what you can eat can significantly reduce your chances of depression.

The study followed the eating habits of more than 12,000 people for a decade and discovered that women who the the most of these good-mood foods were up to 36% less likely to feel depressed, while men were 70% less likely to feel down. At the other end of the nutritional spectrum, diets packed with greasy fry-ups, processed meats and sugar raised rates by as much as 59%. Why? Nutrition researcher Bonnie Behold, PhD, says that red meat and poultry, for example, are high in arachidonic acid, a type of imega-6 fatty acid your body converts to inflammation-raising proteins called cytokines – something research has linked to nose-diving moods. In contrast, the antioxidants in fresh produced and the omega-3 in fish and plant oils tamps them down.

Blitz three common eating traps with these smart food swaps:


Eating trap: Chocolate to ease stress

Tempting, we know, and you’ll probably feel better in the short term, but it’s only a temporary sugar rush, then your back to square one. Have your chocolate but make it a square of the dark variety and pair it with berries. Both are packed with inflammation-soothing antioxidants. A recent study from the Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies in the US found these heartier treats contain compounds that are strikingly similar to valproic acid, a mood-stabilizing drug.

Eating Trap: Too much processed food

Fast and processed foods, sweets and ice cream are potential sources of trans fat, strongly linked to low moods in a recent Spanish study. Eating too many trans fast has even been reported to make some people feel irritable and aggressive. The alternative? Resist the fries and order a healthy version of Caesar salad (with vinaigrette, not the creamy dressing) and sprinkle a handful of nuts on top. The monounsaturated fat found in nuts like almonds will provide an instant mood lift.


Eating Trap: Not enough fresh produce

Need further proof that fresh produce is that pathway to happiness? A review of the eating habits of 80,000 people by the University of Warwick in the UK and Dartmouth College in the US found the more fresh produce people ate, the happier they felt. Seven a day was the magic number for optimal good mood in this review. So whether you’re into leafy greens, stone fruit or crudités, get a variety and fill your plate. Your body – and your mind – will thank you for it.