'Dramatic' Baby Immediately Stops Crying After Hearing Twin Sister's Whimper & the Video Is Going Viral

All babies are special in their own way, but there's something really fascinating about twins. They're the first people to know each other, even in the womb, and though we can't exactly ask the twin kiddos in our lives what it was like sharing that space, it does seem like the bond they already have with each other was formed long before they made their way into the world.

This can mean that many twins have a strong connection with each other from birth, finding ways to communicate with each other that only they two can understand.

After all, it has to be comforting to be able to start the grand adventure that is life with someone by your side who has shared every experience with you, and the viral TikTok video below showcases this perfectly.

Mom Eliana Estrada recently shared this video on TikTok that shows what happens when one of her baby girls is crying. The quivering lip, the crumpled up face... it's all just so heartbreaking to witness! Whatever drama this sweet little one is having is something she might not be able to tell her mama about, but that's okay—her twin sister is here to the rescue.

Even though she sounds like she might be in a different room, this baby girl hears her sister's crying, and suddenly stops her own. It's almost as if her sister is trying to tell her something. And slowly, she starts smiling at this reminder that her sister is still nearby. It must truly bring her so much comfort to know that no matter what's going on, her twin is never too far away.


After Mama suggested that they go get her sister, she let out the sweetest, happiest noise and smiled again. Maybe she just misses her sister and that's what she was so sad about? Either way, it sounds like they really needed each other in this moment.

According to Psychology Today, this phenomena is a rather common one when it comes to twin newborns; even at that early age, they're able to find those nonverbal ways to communicate with each other, and that connection only grows as they get bigger and are ready to be introduced to language.

"Even before very young twins learn language, they can and will communicate non-verbally by looking at each other, staying close together, or hitting each other—and of course playing with each other," Dr. Barbara Klein wrote for the outlet.

I wouldn't be surprised if these girlies give their mama a run for her money someday... but until then, it has to be fascinating watching them form what is sure to be a lifelong bond.

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