Dolce & Gabbana's Releases New Dog Perfume and People Have Opinions

Fashion house Dolce & Gabbana has launched a new alcohol-free perfume for dogs called Fefé. The perfume is said to have been created in honor of Domenico Dolce’s pet poodle but before you go dropping the $108 it costs to have your dog smell like woodsy and musky notes, you may want to hear what veterinarians are saying about this new product.

Because dog's sense of smell is basically their superpower, changing how they smell the world and the humans that live in it may not be the best idea.

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CBS News reports, "Dogs recognize themselves by smells, they recognize a person by a smell," said Federico Coccía, a veterinarian in Rome who holds a doctorate from the University of Teramo."When the dog arrives, he sees you, wags his tail, but first smells you and then recognizes you because you are stored in one of his 'smell drawers.' Therefore, this world of smells should not be changed," Coccia added. There is also concern that the use of dog fragrances could cover up bad odors that could be a symptom of diseases.

Related: Give Your Dog a Bath

Dogs detect changes in scent. The human body contains a complex mixture of chemicals that gives off a smell. Approximately one-eighth of a dog’s brain is dedicated to understanding scent. Additionally, dogs inhale approximately 300 times per minute, constantly supplying new odor particles to the cells responsible for scent. Dogs have been able to smell cancer, diabetes and Parkinson's disease.

Covering up this ability with perfume just doesn't seem like it benefits anyone other than the owner who doesn't love the way their dog smells, but I doubt you will meet a lot of dog parents who object to how their pupper smells, especially after a bath with veterinarian approved mild soap.

The fragrance is said to be Safe Pet Cosmetics certified and approved by veterinarians, but it's not something any dog actually needs.

One super cool aspect of buying this fragrance is that you also get an exclusive Dolce&Gabbana red dog collar with tag, which looks super cute, but you can always just buy your dog a fancy collar without buying them perfume.

What People Think About This New Fragrance

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Overall people seem pretty excited about this on Instagram. One person said, "Does my pupper need this? No. Am I going to buy this ? Absolutely yes!" Someone else replied, "And this is why Dolce & Gabbana will always be the best."

I'm all for spoiling your fur babies. I think all pets deserve the very best. But interfering with something that is so important to a dog's well being like their natural sense of smell is something I can't get behind.