Dakota Johnson Had A Pretty Funny Reaction To An Earthquake Happening In The Middle Of An Interview

The Madame Web press tour is fully upon us, and it's literally shaking the ground beneath our feet.

  Marvel / Columbia / Everett Collection
Marvel / Columbia / Everett Collection

So, you probably saw in the news that there was a 4.6 magnitude earthquake in southern California earlier this week — and Los Angeles residents most certainly felt its presence.

cars on the street with the hollywood sign in the distance
Ken Levine / Getty Images

Thankfully, no significant damage or injury was reported as a result of the quake — but it did have its own effect on an interview that Entertainment Tonight was conducting with Dakota ahead of Madame Web's release.

@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com

In the middle of answering a question, someone says off-camera, "Was that an earthquake?"

closeup of dakota during the interview
@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com

Dakota's expression when they confirm that it was an earthquake is...very relatable.

her mouth is open in surprise but she's smiling
@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com

"Did you just do that?" the person off-camera joked, alluding to Madame Web's presumptive superpowers. "Did I?" Dakota replied gamely.

  @entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com
@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com

"Do you like that we all just sat here?" Dakota joked, before saying, "Fabulous."

  @entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com
@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com

"Spooky!" she said, before resuming the interview like a pro — because, hey, it's just an earthquake.

  @entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com
@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com

And the comments section couldn't believe how well she kept her cool:

we should all aspire to a dakota during an earthquake level of calm
@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com
i need to be this relaxed in life
@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com
i swear dakota is the most nonchalant celebrity i know
@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com

Someone also rightly pointed out that, to Californians, earthquakes really aren't that big of a deal most of the time:

everyone saying that want to be as calm as dakota but like when you live in california you get used to them
@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com
no this is exactly how i react to them though
@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com
everyne thinking she's on medication but this is just livin in LA
@entertainmenttonight / Via tiktok.com

Bottom line, earthquakes are wild and doing an interview while one happens seems pretty wild, too. Good work, everyone.