The best memes to get you through the coronavirus outbreak

Beautiful cute smiling woman is using smart phone on the kitchen at home.
Here are the best coronavirus memes from around the internet at the moment. Photo: Getty Images

There’s no denying things are a bit scary at the moment as the coronavirus continues to spread all over the world.

With over 464,000 people worldwide testing positive for COVID-19 at the time of writing, the government is urging us to practice social distancing measures and stay at home so we can flatten the curve.

And with so many people working from home and staying indoors to ease the pressure on the healthcare system, there's been a surge of memes popping up all over the internet to bring a little glimmer of joy into our lives.

Here’s our favourite picks from around the web:

Gen Z are loving this Triple J remix of Scott Morrison’s press conference:

Everyone can relate to this one:

Quarantine life:

The wheel has spoken:

Social distancing in all scenarios:

When lasagne is life:

So many options:

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