Communication coach parodies conversation between parents and teens who want a break from family time

A family communications coach posted a TikTok parodying typical responses from parents when their teens ask to be excused from “family time,” and the clip struck a chord with many viewers who agree that time spent with extended family can be overwhelming.

Between shopping, cooking, and preparing for the next year ahead, the holidays are a hectic time for everyone. While spending time with loved ones you don’t see on a daily basis is one of the best parts of the holiday season, the frequent socializing with extended family can get overwhelming, and sometimes you just need a break from the festivities.

TikToker and professional family communication coach Zac Broomfield (@l4coach) touched on this subject in a video where he parodies a typical interaction between a parent and their teenager after the teenager asks for a break from hanging out with extended family. In addition to resonating with the clip, viewers shared some of their own tips for when they need to recharge from all the catching up and socializing.

The clip opens with a front-facing shot of Broomfield, sporting a white t-shirt and a backward baseball cap, playing the teenager in the situation. “Can I be excused?” Broomfield asks as the teen before the clip cuts to another front-facing shot of him, donning a wig, glasses, and a robe to play the parent character, who responds, “No. Today’s a family day.”

“It’s just that we don’t see these people very often, and my anxiety is spiking,” Broomfield says as the teen, to which his mom character replies indignantly, “‘These people?’”

“I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m just uncomfortable,” Broomfield’s teen character admits. After more back and forth, the teen character declares, “I just need a break.”

“This isn’t CrossFit. You’ll be fine. Eat your casserole before you look as rude as you sound,” Broomfield’s mom character retorts.

“I don’t think you understand. I don’t know these people. I don’t usually eat these foods, and everybody is in my house,” Broomfield’s teen character explains earnestly.

“Again with ‘these people!’ Your stepsister’s cousin is family. And this isn’t your house. It’s my house, and you’re an ambassador of goodwill,” asserts his mom character.

“That’s an awful thing to say to me,” remarks his teenage persona.

“It’s one day. You’ll manage. Now, offer your grandmother-in-law a biscuit,” demands his mom persona.

“This is unhealthy,” states his teen character.

“The biscuit?” his mom character asks to clarify.

“No. Not the biscuit,” his teen persona says blankly at the end of the clip.

Broomfield’s video might have been a parody, but its contents hit close to home with many viewers, and some even shared a few tips for what they do when family time becomes too much.

“That’s why when all the kids go for that pre-dinner walk, you don’t say anything,” one user commented.

“Code words. We have a code word that means, ‘I need a time out.’ Take the time out!! Return when you can,” recommended one TikToker.

“I’ve always hated Thanksgiving. I’m overstimulated the whole day and get made fun of for not talking,” one viewer shared.

Whether you’re hosting a family gathering or attending one during the holidays, this video shows it’s perfectly reasonable to need some alone time so you can recharge.

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