Are your Christmas decorations up already? Yahoo readers have their say

Yahoo UK's poll of the week lets you vote and indicate your strength of feeling on one of the week's hot topics. After the poll closes, we'll publish and analyse the results each Friday, giving readers the chance to see how polarising a topic has become and if their view chimes with other Yahoo UK readers.

Have your Christmas decorations already gone up? (Getty Images)
Have your Christmas decorations already gone up? (Getty Images)

There's plenty of festive buzz in the air, and some people have already adorned their windows with Christmas trees and decorations to get the season started.

However, this Sunday 1 December marks the beginning of Advent and therefore, is the traditional time to put up your Christmas tree as it will be four Sundays before the big day.


Some people may be waiting for this date to roll around to bring out their decorations. Which camp do you belong in? Are you a keen Christmas decorator and your hallways are already decked? Or have you been holding out for December to turn your home into a Winter Wonderland?

Yahoo News UK asked our readers if they have put up their Christmas decorations yet, here are the results:


Our poll asked: 'Have you put up your Christmas decorations yet?'

It received 2,473 votes and showed the majority of Yahoo readers (76%) have not yet put up their Christmas decorations.

One Have Your Say commenter explained why he waits: "Christmas decorations are for the season of Christmas which begins on Christmas Eve and continues until the 6th January. Erecting them a few days before is reasonable.

Christmas decorations are for the season of Christmas which begins on Christmas EveColm McB, County Antrim


"The season of Advent which precedes Christmas begins this year on 1 December, the first Sunday of Advent of which there are four. Christmas decorations appearing in November may suggest a complete disconnect with this religious feast and everything to do with sentiment and commerce.

"At Christmas we celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ whom tradition holds was born in poverty in an out house. Sadly our celebrations 21 centuries later seem to have little to do with the origins of the feast. And once again commercial interests will quietly but ruthlessly destroy what could be something really positive and hopeful for millions of people 21 centuries later. But when they have finally destroyed it for millions of people what will they replace it with?" (Colm McB, County Antrim)

On the other hand, some 19% of voters, nearly one in five, said they had already decorated their homes for the festive season.

One Have Your Say respondent explained his choice: "I believe Christmas decorations should be enjoyed for as long as possible. Starting after Halloween and lasting until Epiphany feels just right—it gives ample time to appreciate the effort put into decorating and keeps the festive spirit alive throughout the season. Why rush something so joyful?" (Dennis C, West Midlands)

Why rush something so joyful?"Dennis C


Yahoo News UK readers were also asked: 'How important is it NOT to put decorations up before December?'


This poll received 1,853 votes with the most common vote being 10, indicating many readers felt strongly that Christmas decorations should not go up before December.

The average strength-of-feeling score was 7, indicating that respondents felt strongly that people should wait for December to decorate. At the extremes, 788 of the 1,850 respondents rated their strength of feeling as 10/10. This was also the most common rating among voters. On the other end of the spectrum, the second most popular rating was 0 out 10 strength of feeling about the issue, 241 voters being very relaxed about when Christmas decorations should go up.

Read more of Yahoo UK's Poll of the Week articles