Chris Pine Defended Those Viral Pictures Of Him Wearing Short Shorts, And He's Got A Point

A couple of weeks ago, some pics of Chris Pine wearing some cute lil short shorts went viral.

Closeup of Chris Pine walking by a car in shorts and a hoodie

Personally, I love me some exposed thigh.

Closeup of Chris Pine

But apparently, some people don't!

An illustration that says "STOP HATE"
Natelin / Getty Images/iStockphoto

People criticized Chris's shorts in the comments of a Just Jared post.

"is he okay?"

Someone called him "weird."

"Ok he dresses weird when it is down time"

Someone said he looks like a "little grandma."

"He looks like a little grandma"

It ruined this person's whole night!

"u ruined my whole night..."

Chris was recently asked about his short shorts, and he didn't hold back.

Closeup of Chris Pine

Chris told E!: "I don't think there is anything to defend. It's called short shorts, isn't it? It's supposed to be short."

Closeup of Chris Pine during an interview

"Corduroy short shorts. I mean, it's a vibe. It's the best vibe. It's like a Tom Selleck vibe. It's like a '70s surfer vibe. I prefer that than the long [thing]," he continued.

Closeup of Chris Pine

He tripled down on 'em: "It's like showtime. Lakers. Would you rather see them with the short shorts and Magic Johnson looking like a basketball player and athlete, rather than wearing some sort of capri or something on the floor? No, so, I'll be wearing the short shorts."

Closeup of Chris Pine's shorts

He's right!! Don't listen to the haters, and free that thigh.

Closeup of Chris Pine