Chicken, Brie, And Peach Panini Recipe

4 halves of panini on top of each other
4 halves of panini on top of each other - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

There's something incredibly satisfying about biting into a well-made sandwich that perfectly calibrates texture, flavors, and cheesiness. This chicken, Brie, and peach panini recipe delivers on all fronts, with a perfect balance of sweet and tangy, crispy and gooey.

At first glance, the combination of chicken, cheese, and fruit might seem unconventional, but trust us, it works remarkably well. According to Tasting Table recipe developer Ksenia Prints from At the Immigrant's Table, savory grilled chicken pairs beautifully with the creamy Brie cheese, while the sweet and juicy peach slices contrast with the herbaceous basil leaves. Finished with a homemade balsamic reduction, sandwiched between good bread, and grilled to crispy perfection, this panini truly delivers a layered and complex bite.

This panini is perfect for a quick lunch or dinner with a bowl of soup or a simple salad. It's also great for a picnic in the park or even a casual dinner party. You can jazz it up by serving it as an open-faced bruschetta or transforming it into a flatbread appetizer. Any way you slice it, this chicken, Brie, and peach panini is a surprising and delicious recipe.

Read more: 26 Best Toppings To Add To Your Chicken Sandwich

Gather The Ingredients For The Chicken Brie And Peach Panini

ingredients - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

For this sweet and piquant panini, you'll need boneless, skinless chicken breasts, a ripe peach, fresh basil, and Brie cheese. If Brie is not available or you prefer a different flavor, substitute with camembert for a similarly rich, creamy texture or a soft goat cheese for a tangier alternative with less bite. For the bread component, use crusty French, Italian, sourdough, ciabatta, or hearty multigrain loaves to achieve that perfect crispy exterior. Balsamic vinegar and honey are essential for making the tangy-sweet balsamic reduction that complements the other ingredients. With these core items gathered, you'll be ready to assemble this unique and delicious panini sandwich.

Step 1: Season The Chicken

Chicken with salt and pepper
Chicken with salt and pepper - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper.

Step 2: Preheat The Pan

Hot pan
Hot pan - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat.

Step 3: Grill The Chicken

Grilled chicken on pan
Grilled chicken on pan - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Grill the chicken breasts for 6-8 minutes on each side, or until fully cooked.

Step 4: Slice The Chicken

Sliced chicken on cutting board
Sliced chicken on cutting board - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Slice the chicken into ½-inch thick slices.

Step 5: Combine Balsamic Vinegar With Honey

Balsamic reduction in saucepan
Balsamic reduction in saucepan - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

In a small saucepan, combine the balsamic vinegar and honey.

Step 6: Reduce The Vinegar

Hand lifting a spoon with balsamic reduction from saucepan
Hand lifting a spoon with balsamic reduction from saucepan - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, reduce the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until the balsamic reduction has thickened to a syrupy consistency. Remove from heat and set aside.

Step 7: Preheat The Pan

Hot grill pan
Hot grill pan - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Preheat the same grill pan over medium heat.

Step 8: Brush Bread With Olive Oil

Brushing bread with olive oil
Brushing bread with olive oil - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Brush one side of each slice of French bread with olive oil.

Step 9: Layer The Ingredients

Bread with Brie, peach, basil on it
Bread with Brie, peach, basil on it - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

On the non-oiled side of 2 bread slices, layer the grilled chicken, peach slices, Brie, and fresh basil leaves.

Step 10: Drizzle With Sauce

Bread with Brie, peach, basil and balsamic reduction
Bread with Brie, peach, basil and balsamic reduction - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Drizzle a small amount of the balsamic reduction over the ingredients.

Step 11: Top With Bread

Two closed sandwiches on cutting board
Two closed sandwiches on cutting board - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Top with the remaining bread slices, oiled side facing up.

Step 12: Place Onto The Grill Pan

Bread on grill pan
Bread on grill pan - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Place the assembled panini onto the preheated panini press or grill pan.

Step 13: Press Down On The Sandwich

Pan on top of another pan
Pan on top of another pan - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

If using a panini press, close the lid and cook for 5 minutes, or until the bread is golden brown and the cheese is melted. If using a grill pan, top with another pan and press down, grilling for 5 minutes.

Step 14: Cook On The Other Side

Pressing down grilled panini sandwiches in pan
Pressing down grilled panini sandwiches in pan - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

If using a grill pan, carefully flip the panini to the other side and grill until the bread is golden brown and the cheese is melted, another 3-4 minutes.

Step 15: Let The Sandwich Cool

grilled panini sandwiches on cutting board
grilled panini sandwiches on cutting board - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Once the panini is grilled, remove it from the heat and allow it to cool for a minute.

Step 16: Slice The Sandwich In Half

Knife with two cut grilled panini sandwiches on board
Knife with two cut grilled panini sandwiches on board - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Slice the panini in half.

Step 17: Serve The Panini

Lifting one half of panini on cutting board
Lifting one half of panini on cutting board - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Serve the Brie and chicken panini.

What Are Some Tips For Making The Perfect Balsamic Reduction?

3 halves of panini on cutting board
3 halves of panini on cutting board - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Achieving the perfect balsamic reduction can be a balancing game of trial and error, but don't worry -- there are easy fixes for common issues. If your reduction isn't thickening properly, the likely culprit is either that the heat is too high or that you haven't given it enough time. Simmer the balsamic vinegar and honey mixture over medium or medium-low heat, adjusting as needed to maintain a gentle simmer. Leaving it for 10-15 minutes allows the liquids to slowly evaporate and condense into a syrupy glaze. If the reduction seems overly thin and watery after this time, just continue simmering until it reaches the desired consistency.

On the other hand, if your reduction has thickened too much and hardened as it cooled, you've simply reduced it for too long or at too high a temperature. No need to start over -- just add a splash of warm water and whisk vigorously to reconstitute it back into that pourable, syrupy state. Be patient, keep the heat low, and let it simmer until that beautiful, glossy balsamic reduction texture is achieved. With a little attention and patience, you'll have a perfectly tangy-sweet glaze for drizzling over your panini.

Are There Other Ways To Serve This Chicken, Brie, And Peach Combination?

3 halves of panini on cutting board
3 halves of panini on cutting board - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

The flavors of chicken, Brie, peaches, and balsamic reduction work wonderfully in a variety of preparations beyond just a panini sandwich. For a fun appetizer, try making open-faced bruschetta by grilling or toasting slices of crusty bread, then topping with the grilled chicken, peach slices, Brie, and a drizzle of the balsamic reduction. You could also transform it into a flatbread pizza by using naan or pita as the base and arranging the toppings on top of it, then grilling it in the oven for 5 minutes until the Brie gets melty and blistered in certain spots. The basil should be added only after baking in both versions.

Skewers are another great option -- thread chunks of grilled chicken, Brie cubes, peach wedges, and fresh basil leaves onto skewers for easy hand-held bites. Tossed into a salad on a bed of baby greens or spinach, these ingredients could make for a delicious and filling meal with lots of contrasting flavors and textures. Get creative! The combination of savory chicken, creamy Brie, sweet peaches, and tangy balsamic can work together in so many different dishes beyond the classic panini.

Chicken, Brie, And Peach Panini Recipe

4 slices of panini on top of each other
4 slices of panini on top of each other - Ksenia Prints/Tasting Table

Prep Time: 10mCook Time: 17mYield: 2 ServingsIngredients

  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

  • Salt and pepper, to taste

  • 1 large ripe peach, thinly sliced

  • 4 ounces Brie, thinly sliced

  • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons honey

  • 4 fresh basil leaves

  • 4 slices of French bread

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil


  1. Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper.

  2. Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat.

  3. Grill the chicken breasts for 6-8 minutes on each side, or until fully cooked.

  4. Slice the chicken into ½-inch thick slices.

  5. In a small saucepan, combine the balsamic vinegar and honey.

  6. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, reduce the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until the balsamic reduction has thickened to a syrupy consistency. Remove from heat and set aside.

  7. Preheat the same grill pan over medium heat.

  8. Brush one side of each slice of French bread with olive oil.

  9. On the non-oiled side of 2 bread slices, layer the grilled chicken, peach slices, Brie, and fresh basil leaves.

  10. Drizzle a small amount of the balsamic reduction over the ingredients.

  11. Top with the remaining bread slices, oiled side facing up.

  12. Place the assembled panini onto the preheated panini press or grill pan.

  13. If using a panini press, close the lid and cook for 5 minutes, or until the bread is golden brown and the cheese is melted. If using a grill pan, top with another pan and press down, grilling for 5 minutes.

  14. If using a grill pan, carefully flip the panini to the other side and grill until the bread is golden brown and the cheese is melted, another 3-4 minutes.

  15. Once the panini is grilled, remove it from the heat and allow it to cool for a minute.

  16. Slice the panini in half.

  17. Serve the Brie and chicken panini.

Read the original article on Tasting Table