Capricorn Daily Horoscope – 31 August 2023

It’s all very well dreaming of the Great Escape where you and possibly a loved one or two decide to take off to see the world (or at least the nearby countryside). But what about the details? This Full Moon is reminding you that there is a lot of work to be done close to home, things to be taken care of, items on your To Do List to be ticked. It’s also a celestial remind that you seriously need to express yourself – if you haven’t been honest about how you feel, now is the time to start to say your piece, whether you’re talking, Facebook-ing, emailing, Tweeting or whatever. Dramas with siblings are highlighted and can be sorted now too.
Want to learn how to create your own reality? Start with the (free!) Moon Lite Collective here.

The post Capricorn Daily Horoscope – 31 August 2023 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.