Capricorn Daily Horoscope – 22 March 2024

If it feels like you’ve been bailing loved ones out of the difficulties they have created, you are well on your way to describing the Venus-Saturn conjunction in Pisces. However, the real problem with this configuration is that you just can’t help but get involved when someone else in trouble. As painful as it can be, sometimes the best solution is to step back and let the other person work through their own difficulties.
It may feel as if you just can’t say anything right. No matter how you try to summarise, explain, describe or entertain, it seems you step on somebody’s toes. There are two possible solutions: 1) lock yourself indoors and avoid absolutely everyone or 2) prepare to face everyone head on and take the rough with the smooth. Whichever option you choose will be a challenge. A true Capricorn never takes the easier option.
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The post Capricorn Daily Horoscope – 22 March 2024 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.