Capricorn Daily Horoscope – 16 March 2024

The Moon in Gemini usually allows us to speak freely and openly. However, a harsh aspect from Saturn in Pisces warns us to be mindful of what we say and to whom we say it. There are sensitive people about who may find it challenging to simply let words be words. Such people may not be able to let you know they are offended until much later.

Get some throat lozenges and get ready to do some talking. As you’re usually the strong and silent type, no one will expect you to be in contention for the Silver Tongue Award. And yet, these days your powers of negotiation know no bounds. You have an answer to everything and you are likely to be grateful for all those late nights you’ve spent reading fine literature and keeping up with politics. Don’t be afraid to express your opinion today.

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The post Capricorn Daily Horoscope – 16 March 2024 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.