Capricorn Daily Horoscope – 02 April 2024
Mercury is now going retrograde again – here’s what this current Mercury retrograde cycle means for you …
Note: Do read your Rising Sign aka your Ascendant if you know it for a much more accurate prediction and PS find out your Rising Sign for free here if you don’t know it!
For you Mercury retrograde this time around is taking place in your Home Zone – for some, this is going to give you the chance to literally go home. If you’ve been abroad for sometime, for example, it could be now that you pack your backpack up and head for wherever Home is for you. For others it’s going to be a case of getting some kind of Blast From Your Past. Look at the memories which are being stirred up now and see how past events are effecting your life today. Mercury going through this part of your chart can bring back people and memories from your past which need to be dealt with. Sort through the old stuff now so you can get to the new. Don’t cling to old ideas which are no longer valid. Allow your new Inner Self to emerge. Spending more time with your family than you’ve spent with them in ages is also a likely manifestation of this reverse cycle for you. There is a chance to catch up on family news like you haven’t done in ages, so slot some Quality Parental Time into your diary now. Do be aware of the miscommunications and mix-up which is more likely during this time and be gentle as you sort through any dramas. Find out more about this famous cycle here!
The post Capricorn Daily Horoscope – 02 April 2024 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.