Canadian Chicken Sets 'Guinness World Record' by Identifying Numbers, Colors, and Letters

A Canadian chicken has set a Guinness World Record for "Most identifications by a chicken in one minute" by identifying numbers, colors, and letters.

According to Global News, a chicken living on Gabriola Island in British Columbia isn't like regular chickens, and she's getting all the recognition she deserves. Take a look!

On July 3, 2024, the news station shared that a chicken living in British Columbia is basically known as the world's smartest chicken.

Related: Chicken Runs to 'Tell Everyone She Has a Baby' After Adopting Chick

More specifically, a chicken named Lacey holds the world record for most identifications by a chicken in one minute by Guinness World Records.

The record was official in April 2024 when Lacey, owned by Emily Carrington, made a total of 6 identifications of a number, color, or letter.

"Emily has been training Lacey for over a year and decided to attempt this Guinness World Records title as a way of showing people that chickens are smarter than we think," Guinness World Records explains.

Emily worked with several chickens to practice identification tricks, and on the day of the record, Lacey wasn't the only one of her chickens to go for the record. Lacey just happened to be the one who did the most that day.

“On the day of the record, I ran three or four of them through the different tricks and Lacey happened to be the one who got the most tricks in one minute,” Emily shared, according to the Vancouver Sun. “The chickens were identifying a target they had memorized. It highlighted their intelligence."

"Their job was to only peck the number or letter that I taught them to peck and ignore the other ones. Even if I add a whole bunch of other letters that aren't the letter they are supposed to peck, they will just peck the letter that I trained them to peck," Emily explained to the Nanaimo News Bulletin.

Emily explained that although the record was officially marked as achieved in April of this year, she was only recently informed.

“We are thrilled to inform you that your application for most identifications by a chicken in one minute has been successful and you are now the Guinness World Records Title Holder!” the letter from Guinness World Records said, Vancouver Sun shared.

Chickens Are Cooler Than We Give Them Credit For

"According to The Humane Society of the United States, chickens are really intelligent.

"Chickens will trip over themselves running to greet their caregivers, and there's individual recognition within the flock, too. As they grow into adulthood, chicks continue to look to their mothers for guidance. And, of course, there’s the real-life pecking order," the organization explains.

They're also really good at understanding a sense of time and can solve complex problems. "Chickens fed at the same time each day know when their caregiver is 'late' and will make a racket to voice their displeasure; backyard chickens moved from pasture to run at the same time each day will wait at the gate at the correct time," the Humane Society of the United States shares.

"After being taught to wait six minutes for food, study groups of chickens consistently ate at the elapsed time. And free-roaming chickens will unfailingly return to their coop or perch at dusk."