Beyonce Sparks Greatest Facebook Comments Section Ever

Beyonce Humans of New York.
Beyonce Humans of New York.

A recent post on the blog 'Humans of New York' caught our eye after a girl named Beyonce attracted thousands of comments.

The Pennsylvania native said that unlike her alter-ego, she was not a social person - and therefore found it difficult when people took an interest in her name.

"Sometimes I hate my name because it always draws attention to me, and I'm not a very social person," said Beyonce. "My family moved this year from Pennsylvania. I was so scared the first day of school that someone would notice me. I wouldn't even adjust my seat because I thought it would make a noise. One time I really had to cough, but I held it in.


"When the teacher started calling attendance, I got really nervous, because every time people learn my name is Beyonce, somebody starts singing "Single Ladies." And some did, of course. But the second day of school wasn't too bad. Because everyone knew my name."

The heart-warming story attracted thousands of comments from people who also share the same name as a celebrity - with some hilarious results. See for yourself below:

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