Become an office superhero
A casually but cannily stocked desk drawer can see you come to the rescue when the hidden dangers of work life – the spills, the chills and the bellyaches – raise their head. Your male colleagues will want to be with you and your female colleagues will want to be you. Hang on, that’s not right . . .
“Help! I seem to have spilled a drink in my workspace area!”
Your superhero solution: The pile of napkins you have accrued over time from lunch places.
“Help! I’m hungover and have to make a presentation in 30 minutes!”
Your superhero solution: Your tube of fizzy vitamin-drink tablets.
“Help! I need to use public transport but am unfamiliar with it!”
Your superhero solution: Train and bus timetables picked up last time you were at the station.
“Help! I’ve got no cutlery and yet I must eat my lunch!”
Your superhero solution: Meanwhile, back at those lunch places, you grabbed extra knives, forks and spoons, too.
“Help! The boss just told me to lift my game. I think I’m going to cry!”
Your superhero solution: A pressed and folded handkerchief, lightly scented with your cologne.