'Baby's First Hibachi' Is the TikTok Trend We All Need Right Now

A hibachi restaurant is more than a place to eat—it’s an experience. Between trying to catch a shrimp in your mouth to the signature onion volcano, you’re entertained from start to finish. But while most adults have some idea of what to expect at a hibachi restaurant, babies experiencing this for the first time are completely blown away.

This phenomenon has spawned a hilarious new TikTok trend called “baby’s first hibachi” where parents share videos of their baby at a hibachi grill for the first time. The results don’t disappoint.

Each video is slightly different, but they usually zoom in on the baby’s face, showcasing every wide-eyed moment. Some babies are shocked, others are fascinated, and some little ones have a moment of terror, before quickly recovering.

A hilarious video shared on @babymoment7 shows a little one casually watching something on a phone before a ring of fire goes up. The baby, who is wearing a “big sister” T-shirt, looks aghast and holds a hand up to her mouth before looking at her parents.


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Another video posted by Nishalay Soto showcases a baby snuggled in his dad’s arms. He starts to yawn before you can see a fireball reflected in his face. He immediately stops yawning— eyes become huge. The little guy continues to stare at the flames, fascinated. “Bro canceled his yawn😭😭,” one person joked in the comments.

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Poster @bucky7240 shared a hibachi snippet with a little one that they wrote was taken more than a year ago. In the video, a little girl casually looks around before the flames go up. Her mouth drops and her eyes widen—and stay that way. “This video still never gets old,” @bucky7240 said in the caption.


But some babies were cooler about the experience than others. Cari Apple Karr’s little one casually watched the experience unfold from an adult’s lap. While the baby was laser-focused on what was happening on the grill, she didn’t really react to the flame at first. Then, she unleashed a big gummy smile. “Not a jump, a wide eye, nothing! And a smile!? Holy Spirit, activate!” Karr wrote in the caption.

Some people have even expanded the trend to include other family members. “Don’t have a baby but I do have my grandma’s first hibachi,” wrote @julia.mast. In the video, Mast’s grandmother can be seen sitting next to the grill before the flames go up. Her mouth drops and she appears to be screaming—a fact Mast confirmed in the comments.

And the comments of these posts are almost as good as the videos. “Never in my few months,” one person joked. “That baby was properly flabbergasted,” another said.

But one commenter said what we’re all thinking: “Please, more baby hibachi videos.”

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