This Avocado Storing Hack Is More Dangerous Than You'd Think

Here are three easy methods to prevent browning instead.

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When you slice into a perfectly ripe avocado, you likely find yourself in the common predicament of how to keep the other half as green and fresh as the one you're using. A recent TikTok trend had us all believing this problem was solved. All you do is submerge the cut avocado in a sealed container full of water in the fridge for a perfectly green avocado days later. But, after further investigation, we can't recommend it.

A representative for the FDA told Good Morning America that any residual human pathogens left on the surface of the avocado skin (like listeria or salmonella) might multiply in the water, which could lead to dangerous food-borne illnesses.


Plus, you're left with a water-logged avocado.

Instead of taking your avocado for an overnight swim, here are three other ways to save cut avocados for your next avocado toast, avocado salad, or guacamole.

Hacks for Keeping Cut Avocados Green

When an avocado is cut open, an enzyme in the flesh reacts with oxygen and creates a brown pigment called melanin, turning the outermost layer a brown hue. While it's completely safe to eat, it can appear somewhat unappetizing. So, to prevent oxidation, you'll need to create a barrier between the avocado and open air.

After seeing all of the storage hacks the internet has to offer, we decided to test out the three most popular (and safest) methods to figure out the top performer. Of course, before using any of these tactics, be sure to thoroughly rinse the fruit to get rid of any dirt or bacteria on the skin.

Best for Guacamole: Store With Cut Onions

For this hack, we tried placing an avocado face-up in a sealed container with cut red onions before storing in the fridge. In theory, the vapors released when the onion is cut (think tearing-up as you chop an onion) should prevent the surface from browning.


This tactic worked surprisingly well, leaving us with a green avocado five days later. Because the avocado flesh never comes in contact with the onions, it doesn't take on a lot of onion flavor. But, just in case, save this trick for savory uses of your avocado to avoid any onion funk in your chocolate avocado pudding or gooey avocado brownies.

Bonus: the pre-cut onions are ready to be thrown into a fresh guacamole.


For More Immediate Use: Use Lemon Juice

For this method, we simply squeezed a bit of lemon juice on the surface of the avocado before storing in an airtight container in the fridge. Whether you have a lemon or a lime handy in your kitchen, the acidity in the citrus juice should slow down the oxidation process, keeping the avocado green after opening.

While the lemon juice-coated avocado stayed green from days one through three, it turned out browner than the others by the five-day mark. The lemon juice doesn't affect the flavor drastically, but it does offer a tinge of brightness. For a morning avocado toast, this method can be a good storing option, especially if you regularly keep lemons in the house.

Easiest Method: Coat with Avocado Oil

The last method we tried also turned out to be our favorite. We sprayed the surface of a cut avocado with avocado oil olive oil works here, too) before storing in an airtight container in the fridge. Not only was this hack fast and easy, it actually kept the avocado in the best shape through the five-day test. Just a quick little spritz of oil was enough to create a barrier from the air, preventing oxygen from reacting with the flesh.


Better yet, the avocado oil doesn't introduce any new flavors to the avocado itself, keeping it just as sweet and buttery as the first day it's opened. If you're anything like us, this trick might make you have an "oh, duh" moment.

All three methods were successful, but the one best suited for you might just depend on what's available in your kitchen. Whichever hack you go with, you can rest easy knowing there are ways to keep these finicky fruits from going to waste.

Read the original article on All Recipes.