Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 23 April 2024
Make ye money while ye may! Mars is about to depart your 2nd House of Cash. On the one hand, this is good news, because it means you’re actually about to be a whole lot less likely to be racked by anxiety re money, which has to be a good thing, correct? However, Mars in this part of your chart – where he’s been for the past few weeks – also has its plus points. For one thing, it’s hopefully made you a lot more pro-active about sorting your finances out. As he leaves this Money Zone, try to hang on to some of the motivation and drive you’ve felt recently. Stay switched to “On” when it comes to making the money you need. Remember, abundance is everyone’s right.
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The post Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 23 April 2024 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.