Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 10 January 2023

So what does 2023 hold for you when it come to love? Read on!
The year ahead is jam-packed with the potential for you to have a revolution in your life. Go into the year promising yourself to burn off the past. You need to be courageous, to get the good that the year has on offer. It’s not going to be a year when life slides along graciously. Think of it as trial by fire – especially from March to June. Ask yourself what in your life needs to transform and go about transforming it as fearlessly as you can. All this is related to the May arrival of passion planet Pluto in your sign, for the first time since 1798.
Power dates: January 22 – good for serious lovers, less for superficial. March 24 – what would you do if you could revolutionise your life? Do it now!  April 20 – stay cool and calm!
Ready for a big year? Make sure you have this with you to guide you!

The post Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 10 January 2023 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.