American Apparel ads banned

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Sexually suggestive ads are an American Apparel staple
Sexually suggestive ads are an American Apparel staple

The Advertising Standards Authority in the UK has banned a number of American Apparel ads after complaints from the public that the ads were "offensive, irresponsible and overtly sexual and should not be displayed on a website children could access."

This isn't the first time the controversial retailer has had its advertising censored; earlier this year eight of its website ads were banned in Britain. Charges often levelled at AA include the sexualisation of children and exploitation of women.

Official reprimands for his company's louche advertising isn't the only drama facing AA founder Dov Charney at the moment, who is being sued by a former employee for wrongful dismissal.

One of the banned ads
One of the banned ads

What do you think of American Apparel's advertising? If you find it offensive, does it stop you shopping at the retailer's stores? Head over to the Y7 Facebook page to leave your comments.

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