I Have Literally Been Transported Back To 2007 After Seeing These Wildly Nostalgic Photos
If you're a milennial, like me, you probably think 2007 was only a handful of years ago. Unfortunately, it was not.
Things were better back then. Obama was about to become president. Reality TV was in its heyday. Rihanna had only just started releasing music. Carrie Underwood had just won American Idol. Marvel made you think of the comics, not 558 films worsening in quality. Everyone was wearing rhinestone shirts and Ugg boots, and it may have been a recession, but if you were a kid, you didn't really know what that word meant.
In case you're feeling *extra* nostalgic these days — in light of, y'know, the state of the world — here are 76 photos that will only increase your longing.
1.I actually have a visceral reaction to this image. TAKE ME BACK.
2.This is what the Nickelodeon building used to look like. Never forget what they took from us.
3.Remember the good old days, when Taco Bell looked like this?
4.And McDonald's looked like this inside?
5.The McDonald's Playplaces may have been a cesspool of germs, but they were also awesome.
6.Check out this McDonald's by a zoo in Dallas!!!!! Look at what they took from us!!!
7.Remember when McDonald's had VIDEO GAMES???
8.Happy Meal toys used to be SO much better.
9.Maybe if Pizza Hut still looked like this, Chappel Roan would've name-dropped it instead of Papa John's in "HOT TO GO!"
10.It used to have a BUFFET.
11.I miss these Wendy's tables.
12.But most of all, I miss Toys R Us.
13.I know you can still get Tamagotchis, but it's not the same.
14.I haven't thought about these bad boys in 20 years, but suddenly I NEED one STAT.
15.Same with one of these.
16.How these work is still a mystery to me.
17.*Sigh* I miss the good old days.
18.I'm still sad that my parents never bought me Moon Shoes.
19.Or Heelys (my mom thought they were too dangerous).
20.Or Floam.
21.I wanted to hit my siblings with these so badly.
22.You know what? I might just have to buy this one for myself now. I've wanted it for two decades.
23.Why were there SO many infomercials directed at children?
24.This photo from a Betty Crocker infomercial just brought back SO many memories. I always wanted to make one of these cakes.
25.This Geico commercial lives rent-free in my mind.
26.As does this Eggo one.
27.We used to be a proper country. This lineup? Unparalleled.
28.How could you even choose between A Goofy Movie and Jack Frost?
29.Sure, most of us didn't have DVR in the 2000s, but there was nothing quite like your sibling yelling, "COMMERCIAL BREAK OVER!" while you were in the other room and having to book it back so you didn't miss a second of The Simpsons.
30.Things were simpler when Zaboomafoo was our hero.
31.And Steve Irwin, of course.
32.Why did we stop making all electronics inexplicably see-through? WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE FROM US???
33.Don't even get me started on the BEST see-through electronic, the purple Gameboy Color. Playing Pokemon on this was an ELITE experience.
34.Though if we're talking about gaming systems, we have to mention Gamecube. I think I genuinely played Super Mario Sunshine on Gamecube ten times through.
35.Apple products used to look way cooler.
36.My sister had a light blue iPod Mini that I was SO jealous of.
37.But TBH....I miss CDs.
38.I miss MP3 players, too. There were no distractions. Just Fall Out Boy and Avril Lavigne shuffling with Beyoncé and the soundtrack of Wicked.
39.Remember when you'd try to download music from Limewire only to discover you'd accidentally downloaded audio of President Clinton saying, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"? It was a beautiful thing.
40.If you wanted to be a nice, upstanding citizen, you'd wait to download your faves until you got a few of these bad boys. (Side note: why did iTunes ever quit their brightly colored outline ads? I liked those.)
41.I kind of miss old phones, too. There were fewer distractions.
42.Though I could certainly waste an hour playing Snake.
43.Of course, we can't make this post without mentioning Blockbuster.
44.There was nothing like pulling up to one on a Friday night, racing to nab your preferred film while coming up with a genius pitch for why your family should pick it.
45.Though finding out that they were out of the movie or game you wanted was a fate I would not wish upon my worst enemy. (Yes, I said "game." You could rent GAMES at Blockbuster!!!)
46.Back in the day, there were no iPad kids. Just an eight-hour road trip, a skipping copy of Shrek, and staring at the menu screen.
47.The Shrek II menu screen was particularly GOATED.
48.Don't forget to pull out your headphones for the sound that came with trailers before the movie, though. (Yes, kids, we had commercials with our DVDs and VHS tapes.)
49.Oh, speaking of headphones — they didn't go inside your ear back then. The sound quality was terrible, but at least you never (okay, fine, rarely) lost them.
50.Of course, if you were a rich kid, you had one of these in your car. Which meant everyone had to watch The Emperor's New Groove. Again.
51.Athough, who even needs DVDs when you have these beautiful VHS tapes?
52.I think I actually broke this VHS from watching it so many times.
53.If you were lucky, you had plenty else to entertain you on road trips, like this 20 Questions game, which I delighted in stumping.
54.Or maybe you eschewed technology altogether and ~expanded your mind~ during trips to Grandma's in Ohio.
55.Speaking of Grandma...remember these bad boys?
56.Why did every Grandma have these magnets?
57.And these casserole dishes?
58.I can still feel the sting of disappointment of opening one of these tins, expecting to find cookies, and finding thread instead.
59.Why did every Chinese restaurant have these placemats? Did they coordinate???
60.I think it's time to bring purple ketchup back. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
61.I miss Reading Rainbow. :(
62.I still know all the words to this theme song.
63.Does Gen Z know you used to have a separate monitor and computer?
64.I can HEAR this image.
65.*Sigh* This takes me back.
66.Remember when you had to have separate speakers for your computer?
67.Kids today will never understand how long it took to write out a text when you had to click 5 three times just to get to the letter "L."
68.Though TBH, I loved my LG Chocolate.
69.Gen Z could never understand the anxiety that came from accidentally pushing the Internet button and then furiously mashing the cancel button so you wouldn't get charged. This is what the internet looked like on cell phones back then, by the way.
70.This is where my anxiety and perfectionism began, and yet, I am itching to play again.
71.I will forever be chasing the high of a Scholastic Book Fair. Going to Barnes and Noble and spending my own money just doesn't hit the same.
72.Some of my happiest nights were spent chattering in my brother's bright-orange room, next to his Dukes of Hazzard and Scarface posters, listening to Eminem and watching him play Simpsons: Hit and Run. (Side note: I grew up thinking it was M&M. I'm embarrassed how long it took for me to realize it wasn't.)
73.Check out this screenshot of the App Store from 2009 — honestly, I miss playing Fruit Ninja on my iPod during Study Hall.
74.One of my elementary school teachers gave these out as prizes in class, and they quickly became currency at my school. We were secretly trading them in the hallways between classes like we were selling drugs. It was amazing.
75.There really is nothing that can compare to lining up to get a new Harry Potter book the day it came out. I remember that a bookstore by me had a release party complete with dementors and movie screenings, and it may have been the last time I felt true joy.
76.And finally...does anyone want to time-travel to 2009 Hot Topic to grab some Edward Cullen pillowcases with me?