I Can't Stop Laughing At These Hilariously Awkward Conversations Parents Have Had With Their Kids

1. The rat convo:

Twitter: @sarahradz_

2. The passing away convo:

Twitter: @MoMelaninMoPrbz

3. The wishing convo:

Twitter: @Parkerlawyer


4.The potty convo:

Twitter: @russshanahan

5. The numbers convo:

Twitter: @__apf__

6. The waffle convo:

Twitter: @_OgStu

7.The Nutella convo:

Screenshot of a text exchange. First message: "I tricked a four year old into not wanting my Nutella by calling it 'hazelnut butter'." Second message: "Evil"

8. The belly convo:

Twitter: @mommatofour_


9.The elevator convo:

A social media post recounts a childhood memory where a family left an elevator out of embarrassment after a child told a man his head looks like a whistle

10. The grief convo:

Twitter: @realgirl_fieri

11. The breakfast convo:

Twitter: @Frediculous


12. The easy peazy convo:

Twitter: @The_Davenporter

13.The resurrection convo:

Tweet by ray "Today, one of my 3 y/o students told me that his dad died. I teared up and gave him extra attention. His dad came with a Happy Meal at pick-up."

14.The medical questions convo:

Meme with text: A pediatrician asks a 4-year-old patient, Aadi, if he has questions. Aadi asks, "Have you ever hanged upside down from the ceiling like a bat?"

15. The century convo:

Twitter: @LizerReal

16. The name convo:

Twitter: @isabellayonce


17. The heavenly convo:

Twitter: @KatieDeal99

18. The tummyache convo:

Twitter: @missmulrooney

19. The c-section convo:

Twitter: @pro_worrier_

20. The brain convo:

Twitter: @BunAndLeggings

21.The crayon convo:

"daddy, you're ruining my life!"

22. The Spaghettio convo:

Twitter: @deloisivete

23. The butter convo:

Twitter: @LLcoooltweet

24.The brain convo:

"I don't want a brain"

25. The wall people convo:

Twitter: @itsnashflynn

26. The season convo:

Twitter: @caseyjparker

27. The ugly convo:

Twitter: @nofilterblonde

28.The scissors convo:

"she accused my husband of cutting it while she wasn't looking"

29. The Internet convo:

Twitter: @BrianneKohl

30. The pumpkin patch convo:

Twitter: @SunshineScottee

31.The water convo:

"She goes 'cause I can and it feels nice'

32.The "would you rather" convo:

A 7-year-old asks "Would you rather be a famous hockey player or be stuck in a Coke bottle?"

33. The ham convo:

Twitter: @missmulrooney

34.The recipe convo:

"Austin, pointing to a bag of frozen mangos"

35.The walls convo:

Child asks tour guide if they've ever killed someone and are there bodies in the walls

36. The x-ray convo:

Twitter: @DrSpooky_ER

37. The meltdown convo:

Twitter: @clhubes

38.The kiss convo:

Kid who kisses a person every day says that will keep the person alive, until one day they don't kiss the person and are surprised the person is alive

39. The backyard convo:

Twitter: @Tweetsnwhatnot

40.The growing-up convo:

Kid afraid of growing up because he was scared to drink coffee

41. The leg convo:

Twitter: @NourAbadiii

42.The tattoo convo:

Kid asks someone if they have to put their tattoos on every day

43.The pope convo:

Kid cries because he thinks the pope's funeral is Santa's funeral

44. The friendship convo:

Twitter: @PurestInNoSense

45.The Itchy Man convo:

Kid pretending to be a superhero who throws balls of itchy stuff at his enemies: "Hey, bad guy, look out! I got itchy balls"

46. The bleach convo:

Twitter: @azedi

47.The raccoon convo:

Kid cries on Christmas Eve because a dead raccoon she saw in the road can't celebrate Christmas

48.The service convo:

A kid who didn't know the difference between a veteran and a veterinarian thanked the vet who put their dog down for her service

49.The counting convo:

6-year-old asks their dad how long it takes to count to a million and then asks, "What if I start at 100?"

50.The fart convo:

Toddler having a breakdown because they fart and apparently they were saving that fart for later

51.The drain convo:

6-year-old reveals they put a screwdriver down the sink, which is why it's clogged up, as their parent is putting Drano down the sink

52. The smell convo:

Twitter: @ramzy

53. The marker convo:

Twitter: @TomerUllman

54.The bedtime convo:

A child gets up after going to bed and asks if a duck is a predator

55. The farming convo:

Twitter: @RateMySalad

56.The salty convo:

kid who puts salt in their cereal

57.The Target convo:

Kid tells someone in a restaurant that her mother stole her dress from Target

58. The toast convo:

Twitter: @erbrooker

59. The prison convo:

Twitter: @MandyLawani

60.And the confetti convo:

A child says they always carry confetti for emergency celebrations