50 Things Basically Every Single Person On Earth Has Experienced Once In Their Life But Would Never Dare Talk About

Pretty much every single human-being on Earth has experienced...

1.The confusion:

An older woman pushing a shopping cart looks frustrated inside a grocery store. The image caption reads: "Welcome to adulthood. You get mad when they rearrange the grocery store now."

2.The lifelong nickname:

A kitten sits at a miniature desk with a tiny computer, with text above that reads: "12 year old me making an email I will use for the rest of my life."

3.That l'il wave:

A meme of a statue with one arm raised. Text above reads: "When a car lets you cross so you hit one of these."
u/more_work2492 / Via reddit.com

4.The reason to leave an event:

Jeremy Clarkson in a car looks frustrated. Text above reads: "I’m at the age that not finding parking for an event is enough to make me go home."
u/wintercarrot8003 / Via reddit.com

5.The universe playing tricks on you:

Four-panel meme: Person squinting and tearing up while smoke from a campfire blows into their face. Caption reads: "Trying to find the right spot to sit around a campfire be like:"

6. The math coming together:

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