Tree-mendously Funny Christmas Puns to Up Your Dad Joke Game This Holiday
It's the most punderful time of the year, and there's no better way to celebrate the season than with lots of funny Christmas puns! We've rounded up 140 of them to keep your Christmas card messages holly-jolly and happy, including puns and puns of one-liners (get it?) that we just gnome will make the merriest Instagram captions for all your elfies. Below, you'll find puns covering every holiday theme you can imagine, from snow to Santa and elves to Christmas trees. We've even featured a selection of totes GOAT Christmas dad jokes that will have everyone you know grinning like Kris Kringle with a whole plate of sugar cookies. So, look snow further than right here to find just the perfect Christmas pun for any holiday occasion!
But wait, there's myrrh. If you are feeling like adding some ho-ho-hilarity, you can also trot out reindeer jokes or Santa jokes to entertain your family and friends. File away some of these Christmas pun one-liners for a ba-dum-tss-worthy plays on words to share at Christmas dinners, holiday parties, and other festive occasions during this most wonderful thyme of the year. And who knows, these equally clever and funny best Christmas puns might just having you, your friends, and loved ones feeling extra Santa-mental this season.
Christmas Puns
"Right as rein(deer)."
"There's Noel time like the present."
"Wake me up before you cocoa."
"You're mistletoe-tally rad."
"May you get everything you want this year, and myrrh!"
“Happy holly-days,” said the wreath to the garland.
"You sleigh me."
"Resting Grinch face."
"Your presents is requested."
"Good things come in tall packages."
"Yule be fit to be tied when you find out you aren’t getting any presents."
"It’s the most wine-derful time of the year."
Prancer’s motto: “Prance like nobody's watching.”
“Season’s greetings,” said the rosemary to the sage.
"But wait—there’s myrrh."
"Gangsta wrapper."
"Sleigh my name, sleigh my name."
"Hold on for deer life."
"Step right up, jingle file!"
"Shake it like a pole-oriod picture."
"Yule be sorry."
"I'm pine-ing for you."
"I have the final sleigh."
"Oh, deer."
"Wrapper's delight."
"Have a holly Dolly Christmas."
"All the jingle ladies, all the jingle ladies."
“A mistle-toast to the holiday season.”
"Sleigh, what?!"
"The snuggle is real."
“I love you from head to mistletoe.”
"You’re sleigh-in’ it."
"It’s the most wonderful time for a beer."
"Love at frost sight!"
"Make it rein."
"Sleigh queen, sleigh."
"It's lit."
"How rude-olf of you."
“Peppermint, or-na-ment?” she asked when contemplating hanging candy canes on tree.
"The Ghost of Christmas Presents is my favorite Christmas ghost."
Christmas Dad Jokes
"What do Santa’s little helpers learn at school?" The elf-abet.
"Why was E the only letter of the alphabet to get presents from Santa?" Because all of the other letters were not E.
"What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa?" A rebel without a Claus.
"What is Santa’s favorite genre of music?" Wrap music!
"What says Oh Oh Oh?" Santa walking backward.
"What do you call people who are afraid of Santa?" Claustrophobic.
"What do you get if Santa goes down the chimney when a fire is lit?" Krisp Kringle.
"What is Father Christmas’ wife’s name?" Mary Christmas.
"What’s green, covered in tinsel and says ‘ribbet ribbet’?" A mistle-toad.
"What did one snowman say to the other?" "Do you smell carrots?"
"What do elves post on social media?" Elf-ies.
"Where does Santa stay during vacations?" At the ho-ho-hotel.
"What did Santa ask Rudolph about the weather?" "Is it going to rain, dear?"
"How did Rudolph do on his report card?" He went up in Math and down in History.
"Who is Santa’s favorite singer?" Elf-is Presley.
"What nationality is Santa?" North Polish.
"Why does Santa have three gardens?" So he can ho ho ho.
"Why are Christmas trees bad at sewing?" They keep dropping their needles.
"What’s Santa Claus’s favorite type of potato chip?" Crisp Pringles.
"How much does Santa pay for parking?" Nothing, it's on the house.
"What do you call an obnoxious reindeer?" Rude-olph.
"What do you call a poor Santa Claus?" St. Nickel-less.
"Did you hear that Santa knows karate?" He has a black belt.
"Why did the snowman go to the garden?" To pick his nose.
"What kind of motorcycle does Santa ride?" A Holly Davidson!
"Why are there only 25 letters in the alphabet at Christmas?" Because there's No-el.
"What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?" Hornaments.
"What do you call a snowman who works out?" An ab-dominal snowman.
"What kind of bug hates Christmas?" A bah humbug.
"What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?" Frostbite.
"How do Santa's elves get around the North Pole?" They ride icicles.
"What is Santa’s favorite place to deliver presents?" Idaho-ho-ho.
"Why did the pony miss singing in the choir at the Christmas concert?" It was a little horse.
"What’s every elf’s favorite type of music?" Wrap.
"What do snowmen wear to work?" Snowsuits.
Santa Puns
"No need to Claus a scene!"
"Christmas is always a Claus for celebration."
"Santa puts you on the naughty list if he has just claus."
"That look soots you."
"I'm Claus-trophobic."
"Christmas has me feeling extra Santa-mental."
"Rebel without a Claus."
"You’re my soul Santa."
"A round of Santa-plause, please."
"Santa cleans his sleigh with Santa-tizer."
"Claus I said so!"
Christmas Tree Puns
"Are you fir real?!"
"Time to spruce things up."
"I’m feelin’ pine."
"I like 'em real thick and sprucy."
“Don’t get all sappy on me,” said the Christmas tree farmer.
“You wood not believe my Christmas tree is artificial.”
“The kids are on pines and needles waiting for Santa’s gifts to arrive under the tree.”
“Christmas trees wear skirts so you won’t cedar roots.”
"We have great chemis-tree."
"I’ll never fir-get."
"These decorations are tree-mendous."
"Birch, please."
"Fir sure."
"This tree is officially lit AF."
"Are you okay? Yes, I'm pine!"
"Can I get a watt watt?"
"Yes, I do consider myself a Christmas tree hugger."
"I love you a whole watt."
"You need to branch out."
"Ready, set, glow."
Snow Puns
"For goodness’ flake!"
"Snow far, snow good."
“There’s no business like snow business.”
“Chillin’ with my snowmies.”
“Frosty the Snowman’s personal affairs are snow-body’s business.”
"Snow time like the present."
"You snow the drill."
"Up to snow good."
"Best in snow."
"It’s snow joke."
"I told you snow."
"It's ice to meet you."
"Say it ain’t snow."
"Snow thank you."
"As it snow happens."
"Snow on and snow forth."
"It takes one to snow one."
"I'm snow bored."
"Icy what you did there."
"He came, he thawed, he conquered."
"This is snow laughing matter!"
"I only have ice for you."
Elf Puns
“How’d you finish Christmas shopping so fast?” “I used the elf-checkout lane.”
"Let’s take an elfie."
"I’m elf-taught."
"Don’t be elfish."
"He’s an elf-made man."
"She has high elf-esteem."
"Treat yo'elf."
"Let’s get elf-ed up."
"Believe in your elf."
"Have your elf a merry little Christmas."
"Don't get caught elvesdropping on Santa!"
"Get the elf out of here."
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