48 Dumb, Misleading, Or Inappropriate Designs That Businesses Clearly Did Not Think Through At All
1.This kids coloring book drawing that accidentally makes this woman look...curvier:
2.This hand sanitizer bottle that's bound to cause a very thirsty person to make a big mistake:
3.This sign that I'm guessing you had no idea was for a ski lift:
4.This packaging for body wash that anyone would mistake for honey:
5.This logo that's for DEROTIC Emergency Equipment and not whatever else you thought it was:
6.These abstract, confusing bathroom signs:
7.This cheese wrapper that makes it look all gross and moldy:
8.This tissue box that imagines if Spider-Man could shoot webs from places besides his hands:
9.This doormat where the letter "M" is virtually invisible:
10.This pool float that looks like a menstrual pad:
11.This mug design that tried to make a "W" double as a "V":
12.These nearly identical bottles for toilet cleaner and dish liquid:
13.This logo with haunting animation:
14.This door art that makes using the door handle suggestive:
15.These restroom tiles that would make me walk out immediately:
16.This confusing warning sign:
17.This business center's logo that looks like someone sitting on the toilet:
18.This design of a woman with cartoonishly long arms:
19.This design that...wasn't thought through:
20.This logo for coconut water that's actually the chemical equation for dicarbon monoxide:
21.This very detailed logo on knockoff sneakers:
22.These duplicate elevator buttons where one set is only supposed to be used for emergency:
23.This logo for kids toys that looks like a swear word:
24.These trash can labels that make sorting the trash confusing:
25.This unsuccessful motivational poster in a doctor's office:
26.These crappy tie-dye socks:
27.The message on this sign that should've been ordered differently:
28.These mug handles that are nearly impossible to keep a steady grip on:
29.This button for 2-year-olds that's so small it's a choking hazard for anyone under three:
30.This not-safe-for-kids cleaning product that has child-friendly packaging:
31.This hotel key card that can't fit in a wallet:
32.This hotel room carpet with a design that makes the carpet look worn out:
33.This hotel water bottle that SEEMS complimentary because they made the fine print so small:
34.This decorative sign that actually says "eat":
35.This hideous, unreadable daycare center sign:
36.This traffic sign that looks like it's telling people to follow others home:
37.This sign with directions that couldn't have been executed any worse:
38.This logo that makes reading "bunch of grapes" much harder than it had to be:
39.This sign that reads like it insults certain employees:
40.This double-sided exit sign:
41.This bathroom sign that desperately needs some rewording or punctuation:
42.This logo that looks like a dog-human hybrid:
43.This sign that says "cook"...allegedly:
44.This logo for a singing tavern that looks like people being killed:
45.This AI-created logo that was not checked for spelling:
46.This stop sign that reads more like a "stup" sign:
47.This logo that actually says "Sid's" but you wouldn't think that at first glance:
48.And lastly, this sign that needs to be WAY bigger so people could see it before they make a MASSIVE error: