47 "Main Characters" From This Summer Who Clearly Thought The World Revolved Around Them
1.This person called the police over cutting someone ELSE in line.
2.This man decided to make his problem everyone's problem.
3.People who carry around speakers in public are possibly my biggest pet peeve. Why do you think everyone wants to listen to your crappy music???
4.This menace at the theater has left their phone flashlight on and is shining it at the floor seats, ruining the performance for others.
5.If you don't understand concert etiquette, you shouldn't be allowed to go!
6.This person clearly thought they were the most important person at the doctor's office, if not the entire world.
7.As an NYC resident, one of my biggest pet peeves is more than two people walking side-by-side, so I feel this person's pain.
8.These people decided the rules didn't apply to them.
9.As did these people.
10.This entitled parent decided they didn't need to feed their nanny while she was working.
11.This person was just the worst type of traveler.
12.As was this person.
13.You have a lap for a reason!!!
14.In what world is this okay???
15.It gets worse!!!
16.There are others on that bus!!!
17.This vegan main character threw a fit until they got their way.
18.What must it be like to go through life only caring about yourself?
19.This person expected strangers to pay for their baby.
20.These people were too lazy to throw their trash out, and all their neighbors suffered for it.
21.This person thought it'd be funny to throw their food at a screen and ruin the movie for everyone else.
22.This parent thought they were entitled to do whatever they wanted.
23.This person parked in a non-spot that also blocked the accessible parking.
24.And this person clearly intentionally parked like an asshole.
25.This person blamed Officemax for their own mistake.
26.Oh, I forgot, it's these people's world, and we're just living in it.
27.People who use their brights in drive-throughs deserve jail time.
28.Siblings may be the worst main characters ever. Just replace the juice!
29.It extends to in-laws, too — why are they so entitled???
30.I take it back. Kids are the worst main characters.
31.Roommates can be pretty bad, too. You're not the only one who lives here, dude!!!
32.The audacity it requires to park your giant ass boat in front of someone's entry to their home...
33.Why would anyone do this???
34.This dog-sitter and trainer thought they were entitled to solo use of all their client's facilities.
35.This car was clearly using the ambulance to cut through traffic.
36.This person literally could've just waited for the orange car to leave, but they decided they were more important.
37.This main character not only invaded another's space but took a HALF-HOUR WORK CALL without headphones. Straight to jail!!!!
38.These new grandparents sent this passive-aggressive text to their son-in-law after their daughter had a difficult birth and her baby went to the NICU — because, apparently, them seeing the baby immediately was the most important thing.
39.Then, they continued to make it all about them after they didn't get a quick response.
40.These selfish drivers parked way up and blocked the sidewalk because who needs a sidewalk, anyway?
41.Is it really THAT hard to throw out your OWN DOG'S poop???
42.This person messed up their cousin's Newton's cradle for fun, essentially ruining it.
43.This person ate their coworker's pizza, and I'd be going straight to HR if I were this person.
44.This frustrating mom seems to think dishes magically clean themselves, and that she shouldn't have to do it.
45.This person expected others to just give her money after forgetting her card.
46.These people thought their vandalism was more important than maintaining an ancient site.
47.And finally, we'll end on one main character that I'm actually rooting for.