Just A Bunch Of Super Funny Photos Of People Trying To Outsmart The World (And Not Always Succeeding)

1.This struggling math student tried — and failed — to use Jesus to pass a test:

A math problem with a humorous response, "Jesus is always the answer," circled and marked incorrect by the teacher with a note, "Not on this question," and a grade of -5
u/Samuel311fan / Via reddit.com

2.This smart aleck kid did THIS when he was told to "stack the dishes in the sink":

dishes stacked in the sink
u/Darzin / Via reddit.com

3.And this person came up with a clever way to avoid having to constantly discuss their accident:

"Yes, it's broken"
CorneliusBueller / Via reddit.com

4.This coworker noticed a moved tile in the ceiling and added a little something to freak everyone out:

a scary mask in a ceiling tile
blahblahblah1992 / Via reddit.com

5.This artistic person — upon finding the store totally out of Christmas bags — improvised:

"Happy Birthday Jesus!!!"
u/BlueMacaw · / Via reddit.com

6.And this sign maker had a sneaky plan to get you to read it:

stop sex, now that i have your attention please stay out
u/justicewhatsthis / Via reddit.com

7.This grocery store stocker knew exactly what they were doing when they put these products side-by-side:

cock flavored soup and tamarind balls
u/EffeweTew / Via reddit.com

8.This mischievous son replaced his parents' photo of Jesus with one of Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi (and they still hadn't noticed two months later):

A framed photo of a man with long hair and a beard is on a small round table next to a figurine of a mother holding a child
A-ladder-named-chaos / Via reddit.com

9.And this person found a brilliant way to guilt people into letting them merge:

Bumper sticker on a Subaru car displaying a meme image of a grumpy-looking white cat with the text "Just let me merge pls."
u/groot95 / Via reddit.com

10.This wife is petrified of slugs, so when one came in the house, she hatched this plan to get rid of it:

A handwritten note reads: "Scary slug infiltrated. Hid him in a trolley under pile of salt under glass bowl. Very sorry, but could you deal with it? Love you x." There's a glass bowl with salt on the floor
u/noodlepies / Via reddit.com

11.This person got tired of answering the same questions on job interviews, so they printed up cards to hand out when they're asked to share their greatest strength:

"My ability to anticipate"
u/jDubbaYo / Via reddit.com

12.And this pregnant wife plotted to jump out and scare her spouse — but didn't realize her baby bump totally gave her away:

View of kitchen from a doorway with a woman's pregnant belly visible on the side
u/ProudNumpty / Via reddit.com

13.This prankster put a couple layers of boot polish on one of their coworker's boots every day he was on vacation...and left the other boot totally as is:

a clean vs. dirty boot
sam_neil / Via reddit.com

14.This sly devil discovered their Christmas pillow can double as A+ Valentine's Day decor:

A pillow saying "Oh Oh Oh"
hmac14 / Via reddit.com

15.And this person had a clever way to strike back at their mystery coworker who keeps stealing their lunch:

A paper with a hand giving the middle finger
Both-Track-3842 / Via reddit.com

16.This grandma brings extra bacon from home for her BLT so she doesn't have to pay for extra:

A person at a restaurant dining table holds a sandwich. On the table are a glass, crackers, bacon, napkins, and chips. Another person is partially visible
u/tuzr / Via reddit.com

17.These movie theater employees absolutely knew what they were doing when they put this Napoleon standee here:

A play horse in front of a Napoleon poster
cineto / Via reddit.com

18.And this kid found a hilarious way to stop birds from flying into this window:

A Nicolas Cage pillow in someone's window
u/lokibola / Via reddit.com

19.This sneaky kid told her dad they "only had a little milk left in the fridge":

A person holding a miniature milk jug
LiveInYourTrees / Via reddit.com

20.This wife found a way to make her husband's jokey birthday request for "cocaine and hookers" come true:

A "Cocaine & Hookers" candle
fuqdisshite / Via reddit.com

21.And this very prim and proper grandma found a way to read slightly saucy books — by replacing the swears:

Page from the book "Two for the Dough" showing a conversation between characters, with a focus on a missing VCR and jewelry
u/puckumiss91 / Via reddit.com

22.This husband tried to get crafty by subbing fishies for breadcrumbs, and it, uh, turned out like this:

Goldfish on mac 'n' cheese

23.This wife didn't have much faith that her husband could feed their kids by himself, so she took extra measures:

Notes on a try specifying what foods go there
xdozex / Via reddit.com

24.And this guy sent a letter cross country to his brother just to insult him (and if that isn't brothers I don't know what is):

A greeting card is open, revealing the single word "Bitch" written in the center. The card features a bird perched on a branch with light foliage in the background
u/mylesk21 / Via reddit.com

25.This blinds installer found a genius way to get everyone to notice their business on the road:


26.This Indian restaurant's bathrooms have these cheeky Taj Mahal-esque signs on their doors:

Two metal plaques with simple, line-drawn architecture designs. The left plaque shows a single-dome structure; the right plaque depicts a double-arch structure
the_lastone_left / Via reddit.com

27.And this bathroom has "MEN" written on the outside of the door, but "WOMEN" (spelled backwards) on the inside in order to trick guys into thinking they went into the wrong bathroom:

Restroom doors labeled "MEN" and "WOMEN" with the "WOMEN" sign written backwards on one door
prichardson154 / Via reddit.com

28.This teacher thought she was real clever by having her class make "groundhogs" for Groundhog Day...until she realized they looked like, uh, something else:

groundhog cutouts that look like testicles
Substantial-Fan6364 / Via reddit.com

29.This wife came up with an adorable way to tell her husband about their unplanned pregnancy (by putting sonogram photos inside this book):

"Happy Little Accidents"
tamplife / Via reddit.com

30.And this grandma conspired to still give away baked goods (that she really shouldn't have):

Note on tin reads: "Caution: A screw may be inside a ginger cookie. Check before eating. Matching screw wins a reward."
u/HOLD_MY_POCKETS / Via reddit.com

31.This mom tried to glue vampire teeth onto this pumpkin and, uh, well...you see it:

Pumpkin decoration with large yellow eyes and a surprised face, featuring a hollow mouth and white drip details. Displayed on a glass surface
sportstvandnova / Via reddit.com

32.This person is either a genius or an idiot (or both):

"It's-a-me Mario"
KSMO / Via reddit.com

33.And this homeowner decided to give a big FU to planes flying overhead, so she requested that a penis be put on her roof when she had it redone:

a penis on someone's roof
makenzie71 / Via reddit.com

OK then!

a penis on someone's roof
Upstairs_Sale158 / Via reddit.com

34.This Disney fan thought they were pretty slick when they ordered a vanity plate that reads (in abbreviated fashion) Maleficent, but it looks, uh, more like something else:

u/SpencerLass / Via reddit.com

35.This soccer player pulled his own card on the ref:

A soccer player holding an Uno card
u/namair / Via reddit.com

36.And this dad turned a note to his kid's phys ed teacher into a work of dad art:

Note asking that kid be excused for any activities due to foot pain, but if their foot does fall off, they won't be in pain and can partake in normal activity

37.Whoever wrote this fortune really thought outside of the box, er, cookie:

Fortune cookie message on a wooden surface reads, "About time I got out of that cookie."
u/CrypticFeline / Via reddit.com

38.This mom found a genius way to stop her kids from playing too many video games:

A game console with locks on it
u/CaramelExpensive7393 / Via reddit.com

39.And lastly, this store really thought they'd tapped into the perfect way to appeal to dads:

A mannequin with a gut wearing a "Dad Bod" T-shirt, knee-length shorts, and cap
u/chill2308 / Via reddit.com

HT: r/funny