This 31-Year-Old Mom Is Calling Out Double Standards Where Dads Are Praised — And Moms Ignored — For Doing The Exact Same Thing

This is Lucie Fink, a 31-year-old video producer and mom of one who recently went viral for pointing out double standards in how society views dads taking care of their children compared with how it views moms completing those same tasks.

Inspired by artist Mary Catherine Starr's viral comic on the "double standards of parenting," Lucie reenacts several relatable, everyday situations that involved parents find themselves in. However, to the considerable interest of her video's 4.1 million viewers, Lucie is careful to highlight how moms and dads are perceived differently in each case.

@luciebfink / Via

For example, Lucie starts off with a shot of a mom taking her baby on a walk while simultaneously checking her phone. Those passing by may cast judgment and think the mom is being inattentive.

Mom on the phone pushing a baby carriage and checking her phone with "inattentive mom" caption

However, if you were to put a dad in the same situation — taking his baby for a walk alone — it's seen as adorable bonding despite the phone.

Dad on the phone pushing a baby carriage and checking his phone with "involved dad" caption

Then Lucie poses a situation where Mom doesn't have time to cook and brings fast food home instead. Here, she might be labeled as lazy...

Mom walking into a room holding a fast-food bag with caption "lazy mom"

...whereas Dad might be seen as cool or fun for bringing home the kiddos' favorites.

Dad walking into a room holding a fast-food bag with caption "fun dad"

Likewise, a mom pushing her child in a swing at the park is expected...

Mom pushing swing with caption "run-of-the-mill mom"

...but when a dad does it, he's seen as "such a good dad."

Dad pushing swing with caption "such a good dad"

This extends to learning routines. Moms who read to their children are taking part in everyday parenting.

Mom reading a child a book in bed with caption "parenting"

But when a dad reads to his child while Mom's away, it's ideal "babysitting." (Even though you can't babysit your own child. You're just being a parent.)

Dad reading a child a book in bed with caption "babysitting"

And finally, for parents who both work and raise children, moms are seen as "working moms" who try to balance it all...

Mom on the phone carrying a baby with a laptop on a desk with caption "working mom"

...while dads are just, well, dads, because they're expected to work.

Dad on the phone carrying a baby with a laptop on a desk with caption "dad"

The video resonated with many moms who could relate to being viewed differently from their male partners by friends, family, and onlookers. "The women in my family praise my husband and tell me constantly how lucky I am," one commenter wrote. "I never get compliments. I'm just expected to do it all."

"The women in my family praise my husband & tell me constantly how lucky I am; I never get compliments, I'm just expected to do it all"

These double standards are so prevalent that one mom admitted to unconsciously upholding them. "The way I feel guilty for my husband putting in so much effort parenting but in reality he's just matching my effort b/c we equally share the load."

Screenshot of comment

It's unfortunately quite common. "My mom would say my husband was so nice to 'babysit' our daughter. I had to correct her," someone else chimed in. "So wrong."

Screenshot of comment

Though the video was originally inspired by art, Lucie told BuzzFeed that she's been in some of these exact scenarios herself. "For starters," she said, "as a mom who works full time, the world sees me as a 'working mom.' However, my husband works full time as well, and I've never heard him referred to as a 'working dad.' He is just a 'dad.'"

She added, "Ever since becoming a mom, I've built a large community of other moms across my social media platforms, and they've shared their own experiences with me about how these double standards have impacted their lives. People have told me they've heard their husbands complimented and praised for doing some of the most basic things they do daily."

Lucie continued, "For example...if a dad is seen changing a baby's diaper in public, they are called 'super dad'! I just think the general sentiment is that, these days, it takes very little for someone to be considered a 'bad mom' and also very little for someone to be considered a 'good dad.'"

If moms and dads are to be viewed in the same light, Lucie says that starts on a federal level — ensuring both parents get equal parenting leave, thereby sending a signal that their contributions to child-rearing are equally important.

"I believe both parents should have the opportunity (and the responsibility) of taking paid time off when they have a child," she said.

"My husband and I worked very hard before having a baby to 'split' the mental and physical weight of parenting. This doesn't mean that everything needs to be exactly 50-50, but from the start, it was important to both of us that we were equal caregivers to our son," she continued. "I didn't want to be in a situation where I didn't feel like I could leave home and go away for a week because my husband didn't know how to care for our child without me. His job gave him three months of paternity leave, and he was able to dive in equally with me from the get-go. He has remained incredibly hands-on and does just as much as I do when it comes to raising our son. The video is mainly pointing out how society views this...they see what I'm doing as 'my job' and what he's doing as more of a choice."

And to start off the next generation with the right mindset and ideals when it comes to roles and parenting, Lucie suggests, "On a per-family basis, parents can work together in those early days to set expectations and make sure they are both carrying adequate weight. Particularly in households like mine, where both my husband and I work full time, there is no reason why I (as the mother) should be taking on more responsibilities or be considered the default parent."

If you'd like to keep up with Lucie, you can follow her on TikTok and Instagram.