29 Unique Animals That Start With the Letter ‘X’

On our planet, there’s such an array of creatures. Of those, there’s a club of animals that start with "X." They live across different continents and can be found everywhere from the depths of tropical forests to the sunlit areas of deserts. Each one boasts its own story and adds a touch of whimsy and wonder to the animal kingdom, proving that "X" marks the spot when it comes to unique and fascinating wildlife!

If you’ve never heard of any animals that begin with the letter ‘X,’ you may be shocked to see that there isn’t just one, there are several. From species of butterflies and snakes to birds, dogs and fish—the list goes on and on. Once you learn a little about each one and memorize their sometimes hard to pronounce names, you can impress your family and family with what you found out.

Keep reading to see some of the animals with names that begin with "X," below. We even included fun facts to go along with each of them so you can gain more insight.

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29 Animals That Start With ‘X’



1. Xantusia

These lizards can be found in the deserts of North America. They are tiny in size and can withstand extreme temperatures by burrowing underground during the day and emerging at night to hunt insects.



2. Xeme

Also known as Sabine's Gull, these animals are graceful seabirds that live in a variety of habitats depending on the season. In the summer, they can be found across the Arctic and subarctic regions during breeding season. These agile flyers are famous for their striking black and white plumage, which is easy to spot against the icy landscapes.



3. Xenops

Located in the dense forests of Central and South America, these small brown birds are known for their knack for hopping up and down tree trunks in search of insects. Their short tail and strong claws help them cling to bark with ease.

Xantus Leaf-Toed Gecko<p>iStock</p>
Xantus Leaf-Toed Gecko


4. Xantus' Leaf-Toed Gecko

Found in the Baja California region of Mexico, these creatures, also called Leaf-Toed Gecko, can cling effortlessly to walls and rocks with their sticky toe pads. They are also known for effortlessly being able to blend into their surroundings, especially tree bark and leaves, thanks to their appearance.



5. Xenopus

Also referred to as African clawed frogs, these creatures can be found hanging out in freshwater habitats across sub-Saharan Africa. Unlike most frogs, these happen to lack a tongue so they use their forelimbs to push prey into their mouth instead, making them an efficient hunter underwater.



6. Xerus

These adorable animals are also known as African ground squirrels, and can be seen darting across the savannas and grasslands of Africa. They are very agile and known for their impressive ability to stand upright to keep watch over their surroundings.



7. Xiphosura

Xiphosuras, also called horseshoe crabs, can be found in shallow coastal waters around the world. Despite their name, horseshoe crabs are not true crabs and are actually more closely related to spiders and scorpions. These ancient creatures have remained virtually unchanged for over 450 million years, making them fascinating living fossils of the ocean.

8. Xanthippe’s Shrew

These pretty butterflies can be found in the southern United States, as well as in Mexico and Guatemala. They have reddish brown with yellow wings and a wingspan of ¾ inches.

9. Xami Hairstreak

Did you know these are beautiful butterflies that can be seen in parts of Central and South America? They are buttery yellow in color, which helps them blend in with flowers that are found in their tropical habitat

10. Xavier’s Greenbul

Believe it or not, these are colorful songbirds that are native to the forests of Central Africa, and stand out for their olive green and yellow feathers. They are often spotted hopping from branch to branch in search of insects and fruits.

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11. Xantic Sargo

Found in the waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean, these ‘X’ named creatures are vibrant fish. Their bright yellow hue, along with their curious and playful personality makes them fun to see while diving.

12. Xantus’ Swimming Crab

These crabs live in the shallow waters of the Gulf of California and have oversized front claws that they use for both defense and catching prey. Their ‘X’ name actually comes from Hungarian-born zoologist John Xantus, who discovered them while he was traveling.

13. Xantus’ Hummingbird

These cute birds are named after the Hungarian zoologist John Xantus de Vesey. They call Mexico their home, however, they have been spotted in southern California and British Columbia as well.

14. Xantus' Murrelet

These seabirds are native to the Pacific Coast and are skilled divers that can reach depths of over 300 feet in search of fish and crustaceans. They nest in rocky crevices along the shore, making them adept at coastal living.

15. Xanthogramma Sandperch

You’ll see these leopard-spotted bony fish along the reefs off the coast of tropical places, like Tonga, Fiji and Western Samoa. While they are not a fast fish, their ability to blend into their aquatic surroundings helps them hide and easily catch prey.

16. Xenoceratops

Though now extinct, these dinosaurs used to wander around the northern wilderness of Alberta, Canada. They had a similar appearance to triceratops, as they had several horns protruding from a shield-like skull.

17. Xestus Sabretooth Blenny

Native to coral reefs in the western Pacific Ocean, these sea creatures earned their name from their two long canine teeth that resemble fangs. Despite their intimidating appearance, these tiny saltwater fish are more playful than predatory, often zooming in and out of coral crevices.

18. Xenopeltis

These slithery reptiles are also known by many as sunbeam snakes thanks to their iridescent scales that shimmer like rainbows in sunlight, making them appear almost magical as they glide through the forest. They are rare to see and are native to Southeast Asia.

19. Xingu Corydoras

If this name has you stumped, these are small freshwater fish, which inhabit the clear waters of the Xingu River in Brazil. These bottom-dwellers have a funny habit of flipping onto their backs to sift through the sediment in search of food, making them both quirky and efficient cleaners.

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20. Xingu River Ray

The Xingu River Rays, call the Xingu River of Brazil home. They are a flat-bodied freshwater fish that glides gracefully over the riverbed and are recognized for their shy nature and camouflaging abilities against the sandy river bottom.

21. Xinjiang Ground-Jay

Found in the deserts of northwestern China, these clever birds have a reputation for hiding shiny objects they discover, like bottle caps and coins, in their nest. This behavior has earned them the nickname “magpies of the desert.”

22. Xolmis

These birds are also referred to as black-crowned tyrants and can be found in South America. These lively feathered animals are quite acrobatic when they are trying to court a female and perform impressive twists and turns in the sky.

23. Xolo/Xoloitzcuintle

Have you ever met a dog breed that starts with an “X”? Well, this one happens to be hairless! Revered by the ancient Aztecs as guardians and companions, Xolos are known for their calm demeanor and warmth, making them cherished pets today.

24. Xantusiidae

These birds are found in the tropical forests of Central and South America, which they live in year-round. They are also called Streaked Xenops and have a habit of climbing tree trunks head-first while searching for insects hidden in bark.

25. X-Ray Tetra

These fish get their name from their translucent body, which allows you to see their internal organs. If you want to come across one, they can be found in the rivers and streams of South America when they swim around in schools for safety.

26. Xucaneb Robber Frog

You’ll find these frogs in the cloud forests of Guatemala. They are most known for their sneaky hunting technique, in which they mimic the calls of other species to lure in unsuspecting prey—a clever trick that suits them well in the rainforest.

27. Xuthus Swallowtail

These are stunning black and yellow butterflies that live in many regions of Asia and the Hawaiian Islands. Their beautiful pattern wings mimic the appearance of a swallow, which helps protect them from predators.

28. Xantusiidae

You may know these creatures as night lizards. Sadly, there are only three species of Xantusiidae still around today, which can be found in Cuba, Baja California and Central America. These small lizards are unique because two of the species give birth to live babies instead of laying eggs, making them unique. The Cuban night lizards are the only ones who lay eggs.

29. Xenarthra

If you’ve never heard of this name, it refers to a group of placental mammals that includes anteaters, armadillos and sloths, native to Central and South America. These unique creatures have an extra joint in their backbone, giving them remarkable flexibility and allowing them to twist and turn in search of their favorite foods, like ants and leaves.

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