29 Badddddd "Family Feud" Moments That Probably Made Steve Harvey Want To Quit The Show Entirely

1.This doctor who deserves a raise:

Three people on a game show stage; a woman looks thoughtful after giving a wrong answer, indicated by a large red "X" on the screen
The CW

2.This guy who didn't even try at all:

Game show scene with contestant naming "Lesbian" as a type of bean, reacting in surprise

3.This guy who gave Steve Harvey heart palpitations:

Game show set with host laughing and looking surprised at a contestant's humorous answer, "A big penis," to a question comparing to Brad Pitt
The CW

4.This really talented rabbit:

Game show scene: Contestant named Diane answers, "Fly away!" to "Name something a rabbit might do in a magician's hat."
The CW

5.This guy who can't count to three:

A game show screen displays answers: Frog (28), Milk (0), Regular (0), Snow (0). Host comforts a disappointed contestant

6.This realllllllly mismatched answer from Snoop Dogg himself:

Game show scene with Steve Harvey asking Snoop Dogg questions on stage
The CW

7.This guy who accidentally answered "turkey" for every single question:

Two game show contestants humorously answer "turkey" for unrelated questions

8.This man who is technically correct:

A contestant on a game show answers "Excited" to the question "Name something you feel before you buy it."

9.This woman who's probably not religious:

Game show scene: Contestant responds "Hanukkah" to the prompt "Name a tradition that's associated with Christmas."

10.This woman who has some explaining to do:

A game show host asks for a body part everyone has one of. Contestant humorously answers, "Big toe."

11.This interesting lunch order:

Game show contestant humorously answers, "Whipped cream," when asked about salad toppings; host and audience react with surprise
The CW

12.This woman who's only partially incorrect:

A game show contestant humorously answers a question about telephone parts with "The bottom part."

13.This guy who forgot what days are:

Family Feud clip: Contestant answers "December" to prompt "Name a day when you want to be with friends."

14.This double high-five:

Game show contestant humorously answers, "My wife," to a question about finger placement, prompting laughter and surprise on stage
The CW


A game show contestant humorously answers, "Naked Grandma," to a question, as the host looks surprised
The CW

16.These very smart men who refused to answer the question:

Game show scene with a host and two contestants at podiums. Contestant in military uniform looks surprised at question about dwarves describing a wife
The CW

17.This guy who only gave about 3% of his total effort:

Two images from a vintage game show. Host asks, "Name something Russia is famous for." Contestant replies, "Russians."

18.The guy who hopefully heard the word "author" instead:

Game show participants face host; a contestant humorously answers "Shakespeare" to the prompt "Name a famous Arthur."

19.This guy who mixed up "suit" and "soup," I'm guessing:

Two contestants and host on a game show; contestant answers "Chicken noodle" to a question about suits inappropriate for the office
The CW

20.This adorable (but still wrong) response:

Game show contestant mistakenly answers "Willy the Pooh" to the question "Real or fictional, name a famous Willy."


Game show scene: Host asks, "Something you wouldn't want the police to find in your car." Contestant responds humorously, "Pickles."

22.This apocalyptic answer:

Game show host reacts humorously to the word "Upine" as a contestant's response, referencing the phrase "pork upine."
The CW

23.This lady who forgot her colors:

Two screenshots from a game show: Contestant is asked to name a yellow fruit, and humorously answers "Orange."

24.This terrifying animal:

TV game show contestants answer, "Chihuahua," to "Name something that's as scary to people as a big shark." Host listens with surprise
The CW

25.This guy who doesn't know what mammals are:

Man on game show answers a question about animals with "hamster" when asked to name an animal whose eggs you’d probably never eat for breakfast
The CW

26.This guy who definitely took things too far:

Four people play a game show. The answer "Eat one." causes laughter, and the host humorously reacts. A contestant reacts with "good answer!"
The CW

27.This famous British meal:

Two men on a game show. One asks, "Name something London is famous for." The other responds, "I'm thinkin' pasta."

28.This woman who was ahead of her time:

Woman on game show struggles with question; answers "peanut butter" to "Name something you squeeze."

29.And Laura:

Game show host reacts humorously to contestant saying "potato" for "words starting with 'pot'." Audience claps as answers reveal different 'pot' words
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