29 Badddddd "Family Feud" Moments That Probably Made Steve Harvey Want To Quit The Show Entirely
1.This doctor who deserves a raise:
2.This guy who didn't even try at all:
3.This guy who gave Steve Harvey heart palpitations:
4.This really talented rabbit:
5.This guy who can't count to three:
6.This realllllllly mismatched answer from Snoop Dogg himself:
7.This guy who accidentally answered "turkey" for every single question:
8.This man who is technically correct:
9.This woman who's probably not religious:
10.This woman who has some explaining to do:
11.This interesting lunch order:
12.This woman who's only partially incorrect:
13.This guy who forgot what days are:
14.This double high-five:
16.These very smart men who refused to answer the question:
17.This guy who only gave about 3% of his total effort:
18.The guy who hopefully heard the word "author" instead:
19.This guy who mixed up "suit" and "soup," I'm guessing:
20.This adorable (but still wrong) response:
22.This apocalyptic answer:
23.This lady who forgot her colors:
24.This terrifying animal:
25.This guy who doesn't know what mammals are:
26.This guy who definitely took things too far:
27.This famous British meal:
28.This woman who was ahead of her time:
29.And Laura: