25 Hotel Workers Who Said "To Hell With Confidentiality!" And Revealed Their Worst And Wildest Guests Ever

Recently, we shared a post where former and current hotel workers dished on the worst and wildest behavior they've ever witnessed by guests. And all I can say is YIKES...they have seen some stuff.

Room service trays with leftover food, champagne glasses, roses, masquerade mask, and a tiara are piled up outside a hotel room door
Erik Von Weber / Getty Images

Well, BuzzFeed readers who have worked at hotels — not to be left out — sent in their own horrifying experiences. So, here are 10 new stories from BuzzFeeders followed by the entries from the original post in case you missed it the first time:

Warning: If you don't like to read about gross stuff — especially, ahem, scatological things — this post might not be the one for you, hun. 

1."In college, I worked as a night clerk for a chain hotel. One night, a one-hit-wonder '90s band came through and booked a whole floor. My manager on duty was this 40-something fan of theirs who forbade the staff from calling the cops. Being a young, blonde college girl, the band thought I would fall all over myself to hang with them. They said things like, 'You were probably in junior high when our song came out...I bet you flicked your bean to our video.'"

Four men posing together, one in sunglasses and a skull tank top. Two have exposed chests. Group stands against a plain background

2."My first job at 14 was cleaning rooms at a fairly cheap hotel. One guest was a long-stay businessman. He had porn magazines everywhere in his room. There also seemed to be a large amount of hair everywhere for a bald, middle-aged man. He didn't try to hide the porn at all, even though the entire cleaning staff was made up of underage girls. He was well aware because he was often there as we worked and also requested extra towels or other things from us."


"One day, at the typical time, I knocked on his room's door for the appropriate amount of time. No answer. I unlocked the door (that was not chained on the interior) and called in with the customary 'Anyone here? I'm here to clean your room!' No answer. I fully opened the door and entered to see his bare bum just going at it with who knows who. Shocking to a pretty sheltered 14-year-old. I told my friends who worked with me, and we giggled. I also informed them that his bum was so hairy. That solved the mystery of the hairy room."


3."I was the bell captain at a hotel in Texas in the late '70s. We had a convention of Baptist lay ministers for a few days. The rooms manager routinely asked me to go to the hotel pool and run the prostitutes off. There were a dozen of them. Housekeeping later said that they had never cleaned up more used alcohol containers."

A person holds a wallet; a 100 euro bill is tucked into a lace garment, symbolizing complex income and spending themes


L: Sdi Productions / Getty Images/iStockphoto, R: Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

4."During college, I worked the front desk of a 5-star boutique hotel. The last summer before I graduated, a posh guest called the front desk to ask how much the painting in their suite would be to purchase. I checked with the owners, who informed me that it was not for sale but that I should thank the guests for their inquiry. The guests, who turned out to be Hollywood people, stole the painting when they left! When the owners charged their credit card on file a huge fee for the painting, the guests came back and screamed at me, calling me every bad name in the book. I explained that the fee would be reversed if they returned the stolen art. They took it out of their car and took a knife, slashing it in front of me. Needless to say, the police were called."



5."In New York City a few years ago, my very wealthy friends asked if I would manage their luxury apartment as an Airbnb while they lived in Europe for a year. It was pretty easy until a very famous celebrity couple booked it for a month. After they left, I went to the place to check it out. It was shocking. Rotting food everywhere, empty wine and champagne bottles, and a lot of nasty wine stains on the furniture. The bathroom was disgusting."

A man in a suit and a woman in a stylish dress pose confidently in front of a private jet, suggesting luxury and success

6."I worked at a hotel and got a call about a bathroom stall problem early one Monday morning. A whole group of Future Farmers of America boys had stayed the weekend for some meeting or something. Before they checked out, every one of them took a dump in that stall...they filled it to the rim completely and checked out."


7."I have worked in many hotels, from high to low end. I have seen guns, drugs, and credit card fraud. One time, I was doing hallway walks during the night on my small property, only to come upon a couple hiding in our ice machine room because they'd been locked out of their room... They were buck naked."

Man with surprised expression peeks from behind a door, appearing shirtless

8."My first job as a 16-year-old was housekeeping! I have so many wild stories from back then! One time, I went to clean a room that didn't have a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door. I knocked twice, and a gentleman answered and said he didn't need housekeeping. I stepped inside anyway, towels in hand. I have no idea why what he said didn't register with me until I was already in the room. When I got into the room, three other people were on the two beds. They were all passed out and strewn across the beds. There were pills and needles everywhere, littering the room."


"It finally hit me that this man just asked me NOT to come into the room. I was only 16 and a very innocent 16-year-old at that, so I instantly started panicking. I decided the best thing to do would be to go into the bathroom, swap out the towels and leave. I stepped into the bathroom and realized it was COVERED in pee. I'm talking pee on every visible surface, including the mirror. It was VERY yellow and smelled horrific. I do not understand how they got so much pee over so much surface area.

I left the towels in the bathroom and got my manager, who went back to the room with our maintenance man and me in tow. I can't recall the conversation between my boss and the gentleman, but I know the cops were called. When the cops arrived, they knocked on the door many times, but to no avail. They yelled to the people inside that they needed to open the door or the cops would break it down. Our maintenance man screamed, 'ABSOLUTELY NOT!' He told the cops they were not breaking anything and that we could easily get them into a hotel room at OUR hotel, LOL.

By the time they got into the room everyone had fled through the window (we were on the first floor) except for one woman who was passed out and unconscious on the bed from the drugs."


9."I work the front desk for a well-known chain, and one time, we had a woman come in with two little dogs and stay for two weeks. In all honesty, she smelled very, very strongly of BO when she checked in and came down about once a day to the desk for something, but otherwise, she was fine. We didn't have any issues during her stay. Well. When housekeeping went to clean her room after she left, they discovered that she had not once let her two dogs out of the room during her stay, letting them go to the bathroom all over our carpet. We had to replace over half the carpet. Not only that, she had taken one of our lightbulbs and decided to turn it into a literal crack pipe. She is not welcome back."

Two small, fluffy dogs sitting on a couch. One has a long, shaggy coat, and the other has a short, trimmed coat
Philippe Marion / Getty Images

10."I had a guest at a hotel I worked at refuse service from housekeeping for four days. On the fourth day, it’s hotel rules that housekeeping has to check the rooms. Turns out the guy staying in the room had spent four days getting drunk on cans of Bud Light and shitting the bed. The bed was covered in shit, and so was the man. He never used the bathroom, but it was still perfectly clean. He just laid around in a bed full of shit for four days. 🤢🤮"



11."Years ago, I worked in a hotel that was quite remote in the Yorkshire Dales (a beautiful part of England). Most of the clients were affluent country lovers and livestock dealers. So one night, when a couple of tall, blond, and slim models in expensive clothes and their 'manager' stayed, it raised eyebrows. I went to their rooms the next day to discover they had not used the bathroom but instead defecated in the waste bins, used wet towels to wash the crap and piss, and left tons of wet wipes everywhere. They had also puked in the bed and torn the duvet cover, then used it to wipe menstrual blood."

Hotel maid stands beside an unmade bed in a cluttered room, with clothes and items strewn about. A bottle of champagne and a glass are seen on the bedside table

12."This woman, drunk out of her mind, came to the front desk one evening to complain that housekeeping had delivered way too many towels to her room. We didn't understand what she was complaining about since no request had been made for additional towels. If they had been requested, housekeeping would have brought three bath towels and two hand towels. After escorting her back up to her room, she turned the handle on the door next to her room, which was a spare linen storage room with a rack inside stocked with about 150 fresh towels! That door should have been locked with a key, but somehow, it didn't close securely, and this woman was so drunk that she thought the linen storage room was her room, now stocked with extra towels!"

Noel R., Quora

13."We had a guest who was jumping from his fifth-floor room balcony into the hotel pool. He had to be perfect to get the proper distance to clear the pool deck with chairs, but not jump so far that he overcompensated and landed on the opposite side of the pool. He was immediately told to check out, or the police would be called."

Two images show a person in mid-air jumping, then landing in a pool at a gathering with onlookers

14."I worked at a very nice, award-winning hotel when, one night after 9 p.m., I answered the complaint that a middle-aged couple was swimming naked in the indoor pool. The guests, when asked to put on proper attire, became very belligerent (I'm sure alcohol was involved). When I informed the complaining guest (and her young child) that the transgressors had been provided towels and asked to change or leave the pool area, I thought things would soon be under control. Pretty big misjudgment on my part. The couple eventually left to return to their room, but very soon after that, the mother and child returned to the front desk to let us know they had left a couple of 'gifts' on their way out. I had to go see it to believe it — they had pooped twice while still in the pool."

"Obviously, the pool had to be shut down immediately and treated with chlorine. The mother and child were very upset. Fortunately, our company owned the other hotel on this corner, and we were able to offer them the opportunity to utilize that facility. It was not a perfect solution, but an appreciated attempt nonetheless."

Glen S., Quora

15."Back in the day, I was a front desk supervisor for a major chain. I had a guest check in during a lull, and he appeared to be very nice and calm. He informed me that his wife would be arriving shortly and asked me to come to the pool area and let him know when she checked in at the desk. He then went to his room and passed by later to go to the pool. We then got slammed with check-ins, and the staff and I were busy. No one approached me about being with this guest at the pool. Suddenly, he loomed in front of me, yelling and cursing: 'I told you to let me know when my wife got here, asshole! You made her wait! What are you, an idiot?'"

Two men are shown side by side. The man on the left is wearing a suit and glasses, looking serious. The man on the right is yelling, wearing a casual outfit

16."One couple checked in without telling the hotel desk that one of their bags contained their pet snake. The front desk found out after the woman called from her room and explained that the snake escaped as they were feeding it and that they couldn't find it in the room and needed help. There were no female staff volunteers to the room, only guys who went armed with waste baskets and brooms. After about 15 minutes, the three-foot, non-poisonous snake was located, wrapped around the underside bed frame. Everyone's worst thought was that the snake had made it through the central air vent in the wall, but thankfully, they caught it before it could make it there."

Noel R., Quora

17."I was working the graveyard shift at a five-star hotel when I was asked to deliver condoms to a large suite. They let me right in...into an orgy. I had no idea who ordered the condoms, but I guess they were for all of them. Out of nowhere, this half-naked dude approached me and screamed, 'You charged it to the room?' He then threw me a tip — a Benjamin. As I stood there in a stupor with probably the biggest grin on my face, the gent slapped me on the back and muttered, 'Stay for a while.' I came to find out it was a swingers party."

A group of people lie closely together, intertwined in an intimate embrace

18."I was the manager on duty when a gentleman told me his wife was missing and we needed to contact the police as she would never leave without telling him where she was going. I asked him first to show me the last place he had seen her, and he said it was the lobby. We went there and then to his room...but no luck. We continued to look throughout the hotel, but she wasn't in the restaurant or bar, not at the pool, sauna, or exercise room, and not in their car, which was still on the property. Finally, I had no choice but to call the police as he requested. When they arrived, we went back on the same tour. She was nowhere to be found. Still, the police weren't in a hurry to make it a missing person matter."

"Finally, I asked the gentleman if they had been drinking earlier, and he said yes, they'd had 'a couple.' I headed back to the bar and decided to look throughout the lounge. Much to my surprise, I saw two legs sticking out from underneath the cigarette machine (they still had those in the mid-'90s). Somehow, she had wedged herself between the back of the machine and the wall and passed out, sliding down to where her feet stuck out from under the machine. Their definition of 'a couple' and ours was obviously different. Bizarre crisis averted!"

Glen S., Quora

19."A cleaner at the hotel was doing her rounds early in the morning when she heard a woman screaming for help in a room. She let herself in and found a naked, middle-aged lady handcuffed and spread eagle on the bed. A banging noise was coming from the wardrobe. The cleaner, thinking a serious crime had been committed, called for security and the duty manager. When they arrived and unlocked the wardrobe, they found a rather embarrassed gentleman dressed as Superman. It turns out this couple was playing a game where the wife was handcuffed naked to the bed, and the husband, dressed as Superman, would climb on top of the wardrobe and jump on top of her. The problem was that the wardrobe couldn't quite take his weight, and the top broke, dropping Superman into the wardrobe, which was locked from the inside."

A hand in a silhouette appears to be cuffed with a restraint against a backdrop of sheer curtains

20."One night, the 'Fletcher' family arrived. Little did they know their name would go down in our hotel's history. These lovely guests checked into our hotel after being kicked out of another hotel in the area. I'll summarize the Fletcher family's many offenses. Daddy Fletcher told my coworker and me that we looked like porn stars when we wore glasses; asked us to kindly remove them. He also told us they were kicked out of the other hotel for being English; it's impossible considering it's Orlando and 50% of tourists are from England. They also set up a makeshift wedding reception for their daughter and son-in-law in a hallway outside of guest rooms. We had to move the so-called 'wedding reception' because one of them vomited in the vicinity."

"Security was called to Daddy F.'s and Mommy F.'s room multiple times for domestic violence. Police were also called to the hotel for domestic violence between the newly wedded husband and wife.

Mr. Fletcher told a pizza boy, 'Jizz on the pizza before you bring it to my wife, would ya?'

On their final day before heading back to England, Daddy F. and Mommy F. got into the biggest fight yet. Mommy F. decided to leave Daddy F. at the hotel drunk while she went to the airport with Family F. Daddy F. missed his flight; Mommy F. told him not to return to their marital home upon his return to England. Daddy F. then did the worst thing yet. Are you ready? In a drunken rage, he smeared his own fecal matter all over his hotel room. I'm unsure what happened after this, but I think I've already said enough."

Ruby C., Quora

21."I temporarily worked in housekeeping at a pretty big hotel. These three ridiculously gorgeous girls checked in for a few days. I noticed they had a lot of camera equipment, but I didn't think too much of it. During the three uneventful days they were there, they only wanted housekeeping once. Once they left, I walked into their room to do a last clean and get ready for our next guests. But as I walked in, I saw their whole bed had poop everywhere. Like everywhere. It was so odd — as if they did it on purpose."

A person is on a bed with a camera, photographing another person in lingerie. Beside the image is a large poop emoji

22."There was a pool party in our courtyard pool for a bowling team, with lots of children attending. I was working at the hotel as a maintenance man, but sometimes they used me for security, which I hated because it literally was not my job or my interest to do so. Also, I was 20 years old, skinny, and not in good shape for security detail. Anyway, I was told a strange man was lurking around the pool trying (so they claimed) to snatch one of the children. They told me he was hiding in a stall in the lobby bathroom and that I should ask him his name and what room he was staying in. If he could not provide these, I was to kick him off the property."

"So I enter the restroom as the people making the accusations stand outside the bathroom door. I see someone in a stall and knock on the door.

'Sir, are you a guest at this hotel?'

'What? Ummm…yes.'

'What is your name and room number?'

'…can i just finish first?'

This went on for a few minutes. Me banging on the stall door, and this poor man just trying to take a peaceful poop. It turned out he was just with the bowling party and had zero clue about the courtyard pool drama. Someone eventually burst in and screamed at me that the lurker was in the parking lot and heading back to the front door.

I followed them outside where they pointed him out as he walked toward the lobby doors. At this point, I already felt humiliated due to my interrogating a man while he was taking a dump. Now, I had to enter into a completely different confrontation with a person who could be a pedophile predator...or just another innocent person minding his own business.

I stopped him and asked if he was staying at the hotel. He had a strange look in his eyes. He was sweaty, looked like he lived in a basement, and was extremely nervous. He did not respond. He just tried to outmaneuver me. I blocked him and asked him what his business was at the hotel. He kept trying to pass me, and I kept blocking him. I had guests watching from the bowling party the whole time this happened, making the situation more tense. Finally, I told him I was going to contact the police, and he bolted through the parking lot.

I never got the full story of what actually took place by the pool, but that was the weirdest 10 minutes I spent working at a hotel."

Sardo N., Quora

23."I was assigned to clean the room of a guest who had complained about not getting service the day before. They had a 'do not disturb' tag on the door, so I questioned my boss. She told me to enter. So I did. It was a train wreck. I let out a deep sigh and started throwing trash in a bag. I soon realized I was tossing out high-end clothing tags and expensive wine bottles. I stood up to see massive amounts of cocaine lines set up, and I don't know how many rolled up 100-dollar bills."

Image of two lines of white powder and a rolled-up dollar bill on a black surface, with a small plastic bag containing more powder at the top

24."In 2011, during a hurricane in the Mid-Atlantic, our hotel was completely sold out because high winds had knocked out power in many of the surrounding neighborhoods. It was a challenging few days as nobody could leave the hotel, but the building survived (except for some minor leaks), and we kept power. When the storm passed and power was restored, we began cleaning up the rooms that housed our guests for the previous 48–72 hours. A housekeeper attempted to enter a room marked in our system as 'checked out,' but she found that the safety latch on the inside of the door was engaged. She announced herself and asked if anyone was in the room...nothing. The executive housekeeper made her way there, knocked louder, opened the door (as much as possible with the safety latch), and yelled into the room. No response."

"My presence was requested at the room. I knocked hard and, in a loud voice, asked if everyone was okay and if anyone was in the room. I had an employee from our maintenance department come with a tool to open the door when the security latch is engaged. I was able to work the latch off, and we slowly opened the door. I looked inside and saw the television on, lights off, and a body under the blankets on the bed. I announced myself again, but again, there was no response.

I asked the assembled staff to stay outside; only the Executive Housekeeper and I would walk in. We went in, hairs standing up on the back of our necks, and walked over to the bed. When we removed the covers, we were relieved that it was not a body...instead, it was pillows stacked to look like a body. In all the commotion of trying to gain access, everyone forgot that this room had an adjoining door. What likely happened is the guests had both rooms; they staged this one with the pillows and the security latch, then walked into the adjoining room to exit.

I'm sure they wished they had us, as they would've been proud of the prank. Fortunately for the staff, it was only a joke, and they didn't have to deal with something that does, unfortunately, happen on occasion in hotels."

Josh S., Quora

25."I knocked several times and said I was a housekeeper. There was no response, so I unlocked the door, went inside, and opened the curtains. When I turned around, I saw something I hadn't seen before or since. The guest — an attorney who had been there many times before and was far from childlike — was curled up, naked and sound asleep. Nothing unusual there. What was unusual was the large pile of stuffed animals he was lying on top of while clutching a huge stuffed panda bear."

A man cuddles a giant donut pillow while lying in bed

Did you work at a hotel or motel and have a story to tell? Let us know in the comments or via this anonymous form and it could be featured in a future BuzzFeed post.

Entries have been edited for length and clarity.