24 Quotes About Golden Retrievers That Perfectly Capture This Lovable Breed

<p>Image via LeventeGyori/Shutterstock</p>

Image via LeventeGyori/Shutterstock

I might be biased because my family dog is a Border-Collie Golden Retriever mix, but I truly believe that Goldens are among the best dogs in the world. Every Golden I've met is incredibly sweet, eager to love, and big on kisses. I mean, what more could you want?

And if you are lucky enough to have one or are thinking of adding one to your family, these poignant quotes about Golden Retrievers will surely tug at your heartstrings.

Clearly, I'm not the only one to have unconditional love for this incredible breed! Here are some of the best quotes, from celebs to sayings in books, about the iconic Golden.

Golden Retriever Quotes

1. “The face of a Golden Retriever feels like home.” - David Rosenfelt

2. "She’d lived enough places around the world to know how Americans were perceived. If every country were made up of dogs, they were the Golden Retrievers…some of them were smart and sweet, but there were an awful lot that were overbred and obnoxious." - Emigh Cannaday

3. “And on the 9th day, God looked down on his wide-eyed children and said they need a companion. So God made a dog." - Writer Lbisuz on their Golden Retriever

4. “Once someone has had good fortune to share a true love affair with a Golden Retriever, one’s life and one’s outlook is never quite the same.” - Betty White

5. “Home is where the Golden is.” - Author Unknown

6. “My friend Phil has a theory that the Lord, having made teenagers, felt constrained to make amends and so created the Golden Retriever.” - Mary McGrory

7. "Golden Retrievers are not bred to be guard dogs, and considering the size of their hearts and their irrepressible joy in life, they are less likely to bite than to bark, less likely to bark than to lick a hand in greeting. In spite of their size, they think they are lap dogs, and in spite of being dogs, they think they are also human, and nearly every human they meet is judged to have the potential to be a boon companion who might, at any moment, cry, "Let's go!" and lead them on a great adventure." - Dean Koontz

8. “When the world around me is going crazy, and I am losing faith in humanity, I just have to take one look at my Golden Retriever and know that God still exists.” - Author Unknown

9. "I promise this dog will not hurt you,' he said. 'This is a Golden Retriever. He has a scary bark because he’s big, but he would let anyone into the house. For a belly rub, he’d help the thieves carry the valuables to their getaway car.'" - Melinda Leigh

10. "If there are no Golden Retrievers in heaven, I'm not going." - Author Unknown

11. "The theory is simple. Every boy, every man, is really a bit of a Golden Retriever or a big Chocolate Lab. Watch any man's eyes at the bounce of a ball. His head tilts slightly sideways, just a hair, as a primitive focus comes to life." - Toby Barlow



12. "In friendships or relationships, usually one person is the cat—guarded, a little standoffish—someone where you have to work for it. And then the other person is the Golden Retriever. Loves immediately and completely." - Rachel Hawkins

13. "Occasionally, I see rich-looking women on Rollerblades gripping leashes and being towed bodily by Golden Retrievers. That's my kind of jogging." - Gary Reilly

14. "Such a better world it would be if we all had the morals of a Golden Retriever; butt sniffing notwithstanding." - A. A. Bell

15. "For every tear shed, a Golden’s loyalty is there to lick it away." - Author Unknown

16. "The mere sight of a doe-eyed Golden Retriever puppy or a massive, Sphinx-like Leonberger can temporarily alter my brain chemistry." - Meghan Duam

17. "There was no way a mass murderer would own a Golden Retriever." - Nicki Edwards

18. “Golden Retrievers. Once they love, they love steadily, unchangingly, till their last breath.” - Author Unknown

19. "You shouldn't be a Golden Retriever when others are Pit Bulls." - Farid F. Ibrahim

20. "Anyone needing a self-esteem boost should adopt a Golden Retriever, I thought. Then, for a healthy dose of humility, a cat." - Lori Roberts Herbst

21. "I will keep plugging away at this internal self-improvement thing until I've done so well I can come back in my next life as a Golden Retriever." - Author Unknown

22. "I mean, there was a Whippet dog playing the role of Saint Peter, which is super dubious because I think if dogs uniformly had to elect a particular breed as the representative sample of goodness greeting them as they shuffled off their mortal coils (leashes?) and entered into eternity, it would probably go: 1) Golden Retriever: Might be more angelic than Saint Peter IMO." - Knox McCoy

23. "Golden Retrievers, especially rescued ones, have an uncanny understanding of the world. They know evil exists, but they treat each person, animal, and opportunity as if it is a birthday gift or a new ball. Until they are given a reason to believe otherwise, they embrace everything with a happy heart and an infectious smile. When they are in pain, they don’t show it. They simply plod along and look for the joy in the situation. If it is a bone on a doctor’s table, a scrap of food from a kind stranger, or a fetch session in the backyard, they find happiness in the simple things. Ernie Bert has mastered this. Instead of worrying." - Heidi H Speece

24. "There is something about the human condition. I don't think dogs are like, 'If only I was a Poodle instead of a Golden Retriever, I'd be totally happy.' Dogs are happy with who they are." - Michael Ian Black

Truer words were never spoken about this lovable, wonderful breed. For those of us who know and love them, we'll never stop singing their praises!