Amazon lets anyone put Alexa voice control in their devices

Amazon released the Alexa Appkit last month in hopes that developers will create cool new features for the voice technology that powers the Echo. This time, the e-commerce giant is offering the Alexa Voice Service (AVS) itself as a developer preview, which both hobbyists and legit hardware manufacturers can integrate into their own connected devices. The best part is the company's allowing the use of its technology for free. "By adding Alexa to your device, your users can request and receive information in the same way they would from an Amazon Echo," the company's Getting Started Guide reads. That means devices loaded with Alexa will also be able to answer questions about the weather and look up stuff or the traffic conditions online.

The devices' users, according to Amazon, will be able to:

We doubt an Alexa-powered internet-connected gadget other than the Echo will pop up for sale soon, since this is just a developer preview and all, but we'll keep an eye out for you all. To note, the voice assistant has been getting great reviews, and even our senior editor who reviewed the Echo ended up falling in love with her for her amazing capability to understand natural language.