2 Zodiac Signs Leave Their Bad Luck Streak in 2024, According to Astrologers
In 2024, we've all had our share of ups and downs. Now that 2025 is around the corner, astrologers are spilling the details on who is exiting their bad luck streak in the new year.
Read on to discover if your zodiac sign is finding more luck in 2025. Consider your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs to go beyond sun sign astrology.
2 Zodiac Signs Exiting Bad Luck Streak in 2024
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Libra: Be Gone, Self-Doubt!
In 2024, this Air sign experienced a challenging time. The karmic South Node transited Libra in 2024, revealing where we need to get out of our comfort zone, make sacrifices, and ditch familiarly. As of January 11, 2025, the script switches! The South Node exits Libra, bringing this zodiac immediate relief.
Libra has had to work through self-sabotage, unhealthy people-pleasing habits, and releasing outdated relationships. Now, their time to shine is arriving. With increased self-awareness, a clean slate, and a promising outlook, they can make 2025 a great year!
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Capricorn: Banishing Heavy Vibes
For decades, Pluto has transited Capricorn. In 2024, the planet of transformation pushed and pulled this Earth sign back and forth, retrograding in and out of their sign. Pluto is now officially in Aquarius for the coming 20 years, ensuring many of Capricorn's 2024 struggles have ended.
In 2025, Capricorn will no longer be learning intense lessons around transformation, shadow work, and spiritual death-rebirth cycles. This is their year to recover, restore, and relax more. With less pressure on their plate, this zodiac can expect the new year to treat them with more ease, flow, and grace!