19 People Who Realized Their Spouses Might Be Missing A Few Brain Cells

Listen, we all have a moment or two when our common sense...goes missing.

Gordon Ramsay in a kitchen saying, "I can't teach you that, 'cause that's common sense!"

So recently Reddit user u/Known-Pop-8355 asked people to share the moments when they realized their partner might not be a genius. Here are some of the top-voted responses:

1."My husband was convinced that bees and wasps are THE SAME THING, just at different times of the year. He thought bees grew up into wasps during the summer. I love him, but...HOW?!"


A bee is flying towards a yellow flower with several petals in focus
Tracielouise / Getty Images

2."We were getting ready to move and were going through each room, discussing whether to take or get rid of the furniture. In the bedroom, I remarked that I would like to get new bedside lamps. The ones we had were from his bachelor apartment over a decade ago. He said, 'I can see why you’d like new lamps, but it’s kind of amazing that the light bulbs have lasted ten years.' Dear gentle reader, the light bulbs had not lasted that long. He just was never the one to change them."


3."On a camping trip, she was worried about parking the car on the grass because she thought the grass was going to grow, puncturing and flattening the tires."


The image shows the rear wheel of a car parked on a grassy roadside in a forested area
Alexandr Lebedko / Getty Images

4."My boyfriend refused to eat basil I had bought from the grocery store because it was a full plant. I was keeping it outside and he insisted that he would not eat "dirty" food. I asked where he thought farmers kept produce and he said that they have 'special areas' for food to grow that was sterilized but my plant was not 'food grade.' I just looked at him with a dumbfounded look. I didn't know how to respond."


5."My ex-boyfriend once asked me if the return label goes on the inside or the outside of the box. He figured it out after I stared at him in shock."


Person holding a smartphone and scanning a package with a barcode
Karl Tapales / Getty Images

6."Found out she was eating half-cooked premade pot pies cause she broiled every meal in the oven instead of baking it. She told me she hated that her oven burnt the top of each one and left the bottom doughy…she would eat the uncooked dough regardless."


7."I bought fresh broccoli, and my husband asked why I got one huge one instead of the normal smaller ones. He thought broccoli naturally comes in bite-sized florets."


Fresh broccoli heads and florets on a wooden table with a dark cloth. A wooden bowl filled with broccoli is in the background
Mizina / Getty Images

8."He thought potatoes never go bad because his mom always kept a bag in the pantry. I asked him if they ate a lot of potatoes and he said yes. They have a large family with six kids and it still didn't click."


9."Love my wife, but South Dakota is not north of North Dakota."


Map of North Dakota and South Dakota showing cities including Bismarck, Pierre, Fargo, and Rapid City, with highways, rivers, and political boundaries
Peterhermesfurian / Getty Images/iStockphoto

10."A girl I was trying to date told me that Spain is part of Latin America, and when I informed her that it is in Europe, she doubled down by saying she was a Latin American studies student and that I was wrong."


11."My partner was grunting and groaning at the bin. He said ‘We need new bin bags, these ones you’ve bought don’t bloody fit’. I went over to see what was going on and he had a roll of small black dog poo bags in his hand with one unfurled trying to work out why it wouldn’t fit in the bin. There were bin bags, he’d just picked up the wrong roll and instead of realizing, tried to get a dog poo bag in a bin 50 times bigger."


A teal dog waste bag holder with a roll of black waste bags partially dispensed and another roll of black waste bags beside it
Lightstar59 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

12."She didn't know that a 'rhino' and a 'rhinoceros' are the same thing. She thought rhinoceroses didn't exist anymore because dinosaurs are extinct."


13."I dated a guy in college who visited me in my rural hometown and asked what the animals in the neighbor's field were. I said 'cows' in a you-must-be-shitting-me level of disbelief. He proceeded to tell me they can't be cows because cows are black and white and these animals were all brown. I had to pull up Google to prove to him that brown cows existed. I could maybe understand if he'd been from a city but he told me he was from a rural suburb, not a city, so I guess he was just an idiot."


A farmer in boots and a cap feeds cows in a grassy field with a water trough in the background
Pixdeluxe / Getty Images

14."Took our dog to get spayed (after having puppies) and he got upset that the veterinarian put in the chart she was post-partum. He thought they meant the dog was depressed."


15."We served in the US Peace Corps together in Uganda. One day, it was really sunny out. She said, 'The moon is going to be really bright tonight.' I asked what she meant, and she said since it's so sunny, the moon will absorb all the light and will illuminate brighter when it's dark. We argued about this and ended up talking to her mother on the phone. She confirmed her daughter's hypothesis."


Full moon shining brightly in a star-filled night sky, with clouds scattered below
Subjug / Getty Images/iStockphoto

16."When he spent an hour arguing cows are from England and bulls are from Spain."


17."My husband was feeling unwell and began googling his symptoms. After a while of silence, he suddenly turns to me in a panic and says, 'I think I have pre-eclampsia!'"


Pregnant woman lying on a black couch, wearing a striped dress, with a pained expression while holding her forehead
Rapideye / Getty Images

18."When the dentist handed him that vacuum thing to spit into and he thought it was an oxygen mask and got it stuck to his face!"


19.And finally, "While we were moving my ex-wife asked me who we needed to contact to change our email address. I promise this isn’t a bad attempt at a joke — this really happened when we moved to a new house in the same region of our state. We both had been using Hotmail at the time which made this funnier (to me at least)."


Leslie Jones, with a surprised expression, is shown with text overlay: "So, that level of stupid does exist. Wow......"

Have you experienced someone saying incredibly dumb to you? Let us know in the comments!

Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.