18 Signs From The Past Week That Made Me Laugh So Hard, I Lost Consciousness For A Second And Saw The Other Side
We had to take a break from the weekly funniest signs roundup last week, but we're back, and the signs are just as funny and sign-y as ever! Please enjoy, courtesy of r/funnysigns.
1."One year left..."
2."Is that even physically possible?"
3."Time to paint me."
4."Roombas have no natural predators."
5."Made to last."
6."Woah, thanks for telling me."
7."Your tax dollars at work…"
8."Life-changing sign."
9."Measure twice..."
10."Gotta watch this man..."
11."Well, alrighty then!"
12."We wizards."
13."Hey, they're cheap."
14."For what it's worth..."
15."Would you vote for Vader?"
16."These lawyers must be good."
17."I don't smoke anyway."
18."I can’t, sorry. 😭"
Don't miss the funniest signs from the week before last...
19 Signs From This Week That Beg The Question: "Is It Possible To Be TOO Funny??"
...and let us know which sign was your favorite in the comments!